
Bitter Trashwater

Gauhar's POV

I nodded at him and entered the room that was made up of soft orange walls and beige accents. The only word I could use to describe the furniture was trendy, with potted plants dotting the corners of the room, a tiny white coffee table with a couple armchairs facing the wide windows lined with gauzy white curtains.

It seemed tasteful without being too much. I hoped my face didn't give away how impressed I was but I knew I had failed when I noticed the self satisfied smirk on his face.

Well there go my hopes of appearing aloof and cold. I rolled my eyes as he ran his hand through his hair and continued to smirk at me in that infuriatingly smug way of his.

"Freshen up and make yourself comfortable here, I believe your luggage is still in the car so you'll have to get that yourself. You had way too much stuff for me to act the gentleman and carry up here myself. You can come down once you're refreshed."