
The Potential Murderer

Gauhar's POV

Just like everything about him, this was confusing as well.

"Your efficiency is commendable Miss Suleiman, I'll definitely have a look at them. I hope you enjoy your time with…" he stopped suddenly, his eyes zeroing on me for perhaps the first time since he'd entered the room.

And for a reason unknown for me I stilled, my heart hammering in my chest.

I could feel a strange anticipation in my chest, perhaps I was waiting for him to acknowledge me. I wasn't sure, maybe I wanted him to show the same recognition that he has shown my best friend when he noticed her. Maybe I just disliked feeling as if I were invisible and completely beneath his notice.

What I did know was that the air around us felt heavy with unsaid words, and I wished he would break the uncomfortable spell but he didn't. Or maybe I was just overthinking about it all and he was entirely unaffected, he clearly looked like he didn't think I even existed in the room.