
Reluctant Siblings

Gauhar's POV

I felt his glare on my cheek at that, and it was with great difficulty that I controlled my lips from twitching upwards into a satisfied grin.

"H-He talked about me?" her cheeks turned a pretty pink colour as her eyes darted between us in bewilderment. Her eyes held so much hope it tugged at my heart strings, this heartless man absolutely didn't deserve to have such a pure love from someone.

If I were a man I would definitely have rushed to reciprocate her affection.

Altamash's hand tightened its hold on my waist at my remark, his fingers digging painfully into my ribs, but his face continued to be the mask of good humour and geniality. "Of course I did Sophia, you're the daughter of the man that I consider my mentor. He is almost like my father, that makes us siblings right?"