
Unwanted Guest

Altamash's POV

I walked over to her and cupped her face in my hand, checking for any signs of harm. She watched me in confusion as I stroked her cheek reverently. She was cold from walking in the chilly autumn night, but she looked unharmed, and that knowledge calmed my heart. 

"Why did you not answer your calls, Gauhar?" My voice was hard, and the anger in my tone was unmistakable. 

Her bewildered gaze traced the lines of my face, searching for something there. Perhaps she was trying to understand the reason behind my sudden concern for her. The knowledge that she hadn't immediately pulled away from me sent a thrill of contentment blooming within my chest. I knew that I shouldn't be allowing myself to feel happy for something as small as this. But maybe it was the relief of knowing that I hadn't broken my promise to her father after seeing her safe and sound that made me give in to the strange feelings that were swirling in me.