
Unholy Elixir

Daniya's POV

The familiar, bitter yet comforting smell of coffee and fancy baked goods filled my lungs as the car screeched to a stop in front of the drive through window. I let out a groan of impatience as Gauhar leaned out to place her order, earning myself a glare from her in the process.

"Is it really necessary for you to fill your body up with caffeine in the middle of the night, Gauhar?" I whined from the backseat of Gauhar's car as she ignored my sensible advice and went ahead with ordering herself a cup of coffee at ten in the night. She was either trying to ruin her digestive system by inhaling these insane amounts of caffeine, or she just hated the concept of allowing her body to rest.

"A cup of flat white with no sugar, please." She smiled at the person at the counter, who nodded at her as she noted her order.