Liu Yifei is in trouble!

Liu Yifei pushed the body at the back of the hovercar and set the piloting in automatic. She looked at the coordinates which were set by Chang Song which was leading the hovercar outside of the kingdom. She deleted the previous set coordinates and entered her own new coordinates which will lead her to a deserted place inside her kingdom. The hovercar changed its path and started flying in a new direction.

"What is M-020 doing? Why did he change the direction?" Someone in another hovercar yelled at his partner.

"S*it A-79, keep quite. There must have been some problem. A-78, increase the speed." A-70, which seemed to be their leader ordered one of his team members.

"KING, switch into full-body emergency defense mode." Liu Yifei ordered.

"Order acknowledged. Switching into full-body emergency defensive mode." A mechanical voice rang inside the hovercar. As soon as the voice stopped, another layer of sheet made up of aluminum and titanium started covering the hovers car body. Another layer of beam gun protecting layer covered the entire body. In addition to this, a transparent shield covered the whole body.

Then KING speed kicked up a notch and it flew forward rapidly.

"Drive faster!" A-70's voice roared in their hovercar. They switched their hovercar in nitro speed and their speed accelerated too.

Still, despite KING's new accelerated speed they still did not manage to dodge the opponent's attack. A cold glint flashed and hit the transparent shield. Liu Yifei gripped the handlebar beside her with both hands.

That huge energy wave flips them hovercar and sent it spinning. Even with these three layers of protective shield, flipping one of the strongest hovercar of her kingdom was not an easy feat.

"The enemy must have very powerful military supplied beam guns." Liu Yifei concluded. She changed the piloting from 'automatic' to 'manual' and struggled with all its might to regain control of its unstable body.


Another energy wave hit the hovercar completely depleting the outer shield energy. Liu Yifei gritted her teeth and accelerated the speed. "Just a few minutes more." She muttered to herself.

Suddenly a blast jolted the entire hovercar and a warning sign flared inside the hovercar.

"Warning!!! Warning!!!

Body integrity is 62.08%, energy consumption at 36%."


The warning signs indicated that the hovercar can only withstand a high-level attack for just two more times and a low-level attack three times.

"I have to lose them." Liu Yifei muttered and instead of going in a straight path that was legal, she moved the hovercar to another magnetic field nearly colliding with another hovercar that was coming in that magnetic field.

The magnetic fields are like roads. When someone enters the coordinates of a place they want to go, a particular magnetic field is assigned to that hovercar. To avoid accidents, the space between two hovercars and their speed limit is set, and changing them is considered to be illegal. It is also illegal to jump into another magnetic field while driving.

Liu Yifei diverted from her usual movement style and begin moving in random directions every so often evading the enemies and their long-distance attacks again and again.

As soon as she thought that she had lost them, she sensed something and made an emergency exit. As soon as she was in the air, the hovercar exploded into tiny pieces. Liu Yifei was thrown away due to the energy of the crash and she landed on a metal door of something.

Liu Yifei groaned in pain. Her eyes blurred. She shook her head furiously to make her vision better. She felt some warm liquid drenching her forehead. She looked upwards but found that the sky was clear with a glaring sun on her. but she could still feel the wetness of the liquid. She touched her forehead and red blood covered her tiny little fingers. Before she could tend her wounds, she saw a hovercar flying in her direction. She hid behind the metal door completely covering her tiny body.

She saw four men coming out of the hovercar. Liu Yifei scanned their body for the presence of any 'mana', but she found none.

"Is she dead?" She could hear one of the men speak.

"I don't know let search for heat signatures". The man said and switched on a drone. Liu Yifei silently lowered her body temperature by flowing her mana in her meridians and covered herself with a layer of ice.

"No. I got no heat signature." The man with the drone's remote said.

"Let's go man." His partner said elbowing him in his arms.

"No. spread out. Search the whole area." A man which seemed to be their commander ordered.

"Yes Sir!" All of them answered in unison and spread in four different directions.

Liu Yifei silently waited for them to spread out.

A-79, as it was written in the man's vest passed by her side. Liu Yifei remain still and held her breath. When he went a little further, she silently crept out from her hiding place and shot a wave of her energy towards him. Within seconds his whole body turned into an ice statue.

"A-79 come in. Please answer."

"A-79 come in. Please answer. Report your status!" His communication link rang jolting Liu Yifei. She took deep breaths to calm her racing heart and silently started mounting on the dumps.

She was walking just like a feather gliding in the wind. Her each step was light and firm. Soon she reached towards another man of their unit. He was the one contacting A-79.

She crouched down noiselessly like a panther on the dump before attacking her prey. The man must have sensed something from behind and turned to look around. But before he can realize the situation, a cold knife silted his neck. Fresh blood poured out from his wound. Some of them splattered on Liu Yifei's face and body.

"A-78 come in!!"

"A-78. Report your status."

"Fu*k!!" A-70 cursed. He clenched his jaw and once again opened his communication link.

"Everybody on alert! I repeat, everybody on alert! Give me your status!" He called out through his communication channel.

"A-75 reporting sir. Status clear!"

"A-76 reporting sir. Status clear!"

"A-77 reporting sir. Status clear!"

"Where is A-78 and A-79?" the commander roared in the communication link. When he got no response from the other side, his face darkened. "Find them and stay alert!" he roared once again.