Kissing Nick

I found Freda whimpering in her bed, her eyes are red, and started to swell, I run to her side at once, what could have happened in the banquet hall when Hale and I left without saying anything to them.

"Hey! Freda what is wrong? What happened?"

"Nothing Malia, I am so sorry, I understand if you fell in love for Hale too. I am happy that you are able to sort it out. I am just happy for both of you." She said trying to compose herself.

    "What do you mean?" I asked more puzzled.

    "Nick and I saw you both hugging in the garden trellis, please don't be bothered about my reactions Malia, it's just I love him for so long, though I know I can never have him, I always keep him in my heart." She said covering her face with a pillow.

    "Oh! I see, you figured it all wrong Fred, he confessed his feelings to me, but I declined, sad to say Hale is a good man, if I could only teach my heart, I think I am cursed for liking someone else, which I know I can't have." I said frustrated, why I am so unlucky, I got caught every time I am having a private moment with a boy. It left me no choice, but tell them the truth.

    "Hale caught me making out with Flynn in the forest. He got angry seeing Flynn being so sweet with Avery in the banquet hall, so I don't have any other option but to take him away to avoid any commotion. I have never seen Hale so mad before." I can see Freda's, eyes go big after hearing my episode with the crown prince of Erthesia.

    "Nick is right, you like Flynn." Said Freda in disbelief.

    "I am sorry Freda, I should have told you, but I am ashamed of it, how could I like someone who treated me like I am a trash, I detest myself for liking him. I can't help it Freda, I always dream about him."

"I was attacked by Suzanne together with her friends, Flynn healed me, and then he suddenly kissed me, and looked at me with fright in his face, after that he left without saying goodbye. I know he is only playing games with me, how could I be so naive to fall for his tricks, I am doomed now that he knows my real feelings for him, I should have slapped him in the first place, but I enjoyed kissing him."

"Wow! Flynn never kisses Avery, for how many times she tried to kiss him, but Flynn has always run off every time he finds himself cornered by her." Freda said perplexed.

"You mean I am fortunate enough to have been kissed by him?" I asked Freda sadly.

"Of course, everyone wants to be kissed by him, it could only mean one thing Mal, he likes you, yet he is so afraid because he doesn't know you are the lost princess, for him you are a common fairy, and it is against the law of Erthesia Kingdom to be romantically involved with you. I can't imagine if he will find out the real you, you are the only threat of the crown."

My friend is no longer crying, she sits beside me on my bed, looking hopeful. I am glad that I don't have feelings for Hale, or else my friendship with Freda will be affected.

"I need to see Nick, I have to be truthful with him." I told Freda.

     "I will go with you."

     "Thank you, Fred, but I need to do this alone." She nods her head, and give me a thumbs up.

The quarters of the royals are located in the east wing of the academy. Their chambers are quite different from ours. I knocked on Nick's room, and he is shocked to see me at his front door. Nick is still lost for words, maybe he is still angry with me, after they had seen me cuddling Hale.

"Do you have any plan of inviting me in?" I asked him, and he opened his door widely, and tugged me inside.

"Common Nicholas, please talk to me." I begged him.

     "Have a seat Malia." Nick is pissed off, but I remained standing behind the door.

      "Listen to me Nick, what you have seen is not what you think."

        "What it is then Princess? Can you enlighten me?" Nick is standing so close to me, he invaded my space, I feel a little nervous. I don't expect Nick to be this intimidating.

       I tell him the same thing, what I have told Freda.

"Please allow me to do this once Mal." He said in a hypnotic voice. Nick pressed me against the door frame. I can shove Nick, but I feel so weak. He licks his lips, afterwards he kissed me hastily, I don't know how I feel at the moment, yet out of curiosity I kissed him back. Nick is a good kisser and his lips taste so good, however, I didn't feel any electricity when his lips touched mine.

    Finally, I was able to find my voice again. "Nick! Please stop." I said, and pushed him away from me. Nick standstill, I didn't dare move from where I was, I allow him to come back to his senses.

"I am sorry Mal, but I don't have regret kissing you. It has been so long since I wanted to do that, unfortunately that kiss made me realized how you feel towards me." Nick's face looked so upset, and I can't find the right words to make him feel better. Nick has always been there for me, but I don't want to lead him on to something that I can never give him.

     "I know Mal, I am in the same boat with Hale, we don't want you to get hurt, we both like you more than friends, unluckily you only had eyes for the crown prince of Erthesia." He said unhappily.

"Don't worry Malia, we don't hold it against you." He said looking at me tenderly.

    "Thank you, Nick. Please don't leave me Nick, you know how much I need you." I said happily, and I hugged him tightly.

     "I will never leave you Mal, and you know that." He said while brushing my straight hair.

      Nick accompanies me in going back to my dorm room, we heard incoming footsteps in the corridor. Nick thrusts me immediately on the wall, and started kissing me from my neck to my face, then he bit my lower lip tenderly, before kissing me hungrily. I want to kick Nick on his groin, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw Flynn and Avery holding hands while walking.

      It comes to me at once, Nick is doing it for me. I pulled him closer to me, I put my hands on his neck. I moan to emphasize that I am having fun kissing Nick. Flynn halted in front of us, and he tapped Nick's shoulder.

     "Nicholas, I think you need to stop what you are doing right now, this is inappropriate and disgusting Nick. You can't be seen kissing this half blood." Flynn said, pulling Nick away from me looking furious.

"Oh! I don't think you have any right to tell me what to do Flynn, I don't care about our stupid laws anyway, I am not some coward who is afraid to face death in the name of love. I know you want to be in my place right now." Nick said, and it made Flynn angrier, and Avery's face turned pale upon hearing Nick's words.

"Let me take you to your building Mal." Nick holds my left hand, and I give him my sweetest smile. I never looked at them to avoid any more pain, I can't stand seeing Flynn with Avery.

     We were both laughing hysterically when we reached the school ground. "Thank you, Nick, but you don't need to do that to make a point." I said to him sincerely.

"I love making out with you Malia, even if it was just a pretend kiss to make Flynn come to his senses, he doesn't have any right to play with your heart, being a crown prince of Erthesia doesn't give him the advantage to look down anyone, especially you. Did you see the look on his face? He hates me for kissing you Malia." He said triumphantly.

"Stop it Nick, he hates me okay. He probably kissed me to humiliate me, still I want to thank you for defending me all the time." I said, looking at the location of the forest wherein I shared an intimate moment with Flynn. I can feel that the wilderness is calling upon me.

"Your welcome Mal, but Hale and I failed to protect you from falling for him. He is betrothed with Princess Avery Malia, that is why we are trying to win your heart, we don't want you to fall for him because in the end your heart will be broken." He said unable to hide the discomfort.

    "Hey! Don't be so sad for me Nick, I want you to know, that I am happy you told me about their betrothal at least now it is crystal clear to me.

We could never be together, from the start I know myself, I am not like Avery in the first place, Nick, she is so beautiful and refined."

       "I can never replace her, in Flynn's heart and mind she is the only one, I am only an eyesore to him. I think we need to celebrate, we indeed belong to one group, the broken-hearted fairies, since we share the same fate." Deep inside I feel like dying, but I pretended to laugh in front of Nick. Knowing Flynn is destined to be with Princess Avery put my heart into anguish.

      "Never underestimate your true beauty and power Malia, it is not yet the right time. Things might not be in your favor today, but soon everything will fall into place, believe me Malia just endure it for the sake of Erthesia, don't leave us." He said pleading at me."

    "How can I abandon you Nick? Give me some credit buddy, I will not go away because some stupid prince broke my heart, I came with you all the way here without knowing him on the first place, my mission is to find my parents and to save this land, I am so sorry for making a big mistake, I am aware that falling in love is not part of the plan." I said feeling tired.

    We arrived at our doorstep, after he said goodbye and good night, he pecked me on my cheek, then Nick disappeared in front of me.

I am not yet sleepy, so I decided to go at the entrance to the magical forest to see my friends. I take off and landed at the base of the jungle. "Serpentina are you there?" I called the white snake, and she comes into my sight right away. I am still unaccustomed to seeing this magical creature, yet it makes me happy to see her in normal form.

"Anything I can do for you, Princess? Are you alright?" She questioned me, and I can see the worried look in her eyes.

"I am totally fine Serpentina, I can't sleep and I want to talk to you about something." I said looking at her still mystified with her supernatural appearance. I just love looking at her flying beside me.

"You can't fool me Malia, I know your heart is in pain, and your perplexity is getting you crazy. It seems Flynn is getting on your nerves. You came here because you want to ask me if a prince who has been paired with their parents to be married to a certain princess can still marry someone else?" I was surprised that Serpentina can hear my thoughts.

"Are you a mind reader Serpentina?"

"Yes! I can read minds, but you have the ability to keep your thoughts away from me princess, you are the most powerful one, once you harness that power, I can only read the portion you want to share with me, or shut me off completely, it is all up to you." She said grinning at me.

     "Wow! That is so awesome Serpentina, for now I want you to read what is on my mind." I said looking at her desperately.

"Well! A girl can dream princess, don't worry their engagement is yet to be announced any time soon, it should fall on a full moon, and could happen next month or any month within this year, if ever the prince fall in love with someone else it is his call to cancel the engagement as long as the girl he wants is a princess too. Well, in your case, you are the real heir of the crown I reckon it gives you the entitlement to be his bride in the future." Said the snake while she rests on my shoulder.

"I want to marry for love, Serpentina, not out of duty or anything. I have already come to terms with myself that he is not the one for me."

We became silent and look at the starless sky. Only the sparks of Serpentina's scales give light to our surroundings. "Thank you for listening to me Serp. It makes me feel better. I think it's time for me to go."

"Anytime Malia, you need to go now it is getting late already, come to me anytime you want." She said warmly.

I left my friend feeling delighted, it seems the white snake calm my troubled heart and mind.