The Festival-Day 1

    I love my aunt's cooking skills, my appetite is always satisfied every time I stay at her house. Today is the first day of the festival, and I am so excited about it, when I sit on the dining table to eat our breakfast together, she looked at me with approval in her eyes.

    Every time I stare at my aunt's face I am still stupefied, though we have the same physical characteristics, I know I can never transcend her beauty, elegance, and power. For me, she is the most beautiful fairy in the Erthesia Kingdom.

    "You look so lovely Malia! Nice gown for the first day of the festival, you really impressed the deity." She said happily.

    I am wearing a simple long lilac gown made of organza, the sleeve is made of lace with floral design, I used slip dress under the skirt dress so that no petticoat is needed, yet the natural fluffy feel is there, I turned my straight long hair into wild curly hair and put a fresh flower on my right ear.

    "Thanks aunt Thalia, what will you do during the whole Festival?"

"I will roam around the campus of course, and enjoy the offerings of the students, parents and other family member."

"So there are also parents and siblings who will be attending the festival too?" I said, I didn't know that there are other fairies who will be attending the festival, I thought, it is merely for the students.

"Yes! They received invitations one month ago." She said looking at me.

"Oh! I see." I can't hide the sadness I feel, there is no way my adoptive parents could attend such event. My mom can't set foot in this place, for she is a human, and the true case of my real parents is still unknown. Yet, I am very positive, that my fairy parents are still alive, maybe the Dark King is keeping them as hostages, and in exchange for my life. It makes me terrified, just thinking about King Trelos.

    This is not a good time to think about negative things, my focus for this entire week should be my first Deity Festival, besides it is an honor for my aunt. It is enough reason for me to celebrate.

"Don't be sad Malia." She holds my hand, I felt her strong energy and all my worries were gone. She is indeed the goddess of nature, fairies are connected to her in so many ways.

    I arrived at the academy and find the whole place change onto a real magical world. The decorations are amazing, the hallways are sparkling with glitters and decorated with fresh lilies, roses, gardenias and orchids. The classroom smelled with floral scent that comes from the fresh flowers, ornamented on the edge of every window.

I arrived early in our classroom, no one is around yet even my friends are nowhere in sight, Hale and Freda usually come ahead of time. I sit on my chair with my eyes close, and inhaled the fragrance of my surroundings, I am so overwhelmed with happiness, the preparations they do in honor of my aunt are enormous, then my smile slowly faded when I perceived someone has arrived without any sound, and watching me closely.

    My eyes turned big and my heart beats faster, my whole body feels so warm and electrified, when I saw Flynn standing inches away from me, he is looking at me with undeniable admiration on his face. He stared at me for a long time without uttering a single word, I was not able to looked away since I am smitten with his flawless look, I can feel the trembling of my lips, and my whole body shivers with excitement.

He is wearing a midnight blue tuxedo, it made him look more regal and handsome. Our gazing contest was abruptly ended, when all his cousins arrived except Declan.

     "What are you doing here Flynn this not our classroom for our first period?" Asked Ameline with full of confusion in her voice.

"Yeah, we have been looking for you, you just vanished without saying anything." Celine said.

Prince Flynn pivoted with an irritated expression on his face, and came out the door without saying anything to his cousins, they simply followed him without complaint, while I am left more confused than ever.

   "Malia! I know you are trying to hide your real beauty just wearing the simplest type of gown, but I regret to inform you princess you are stunning, and as lovely as the morning." Complimented Declan when he appeared on the front door.

    "Thank you! You looked adorable yourself, prince Declan, I supposed you already have a date for the upcoming ball." I said to him when he sits beside me.

"I chose to be alone Malia, I only want you for my date."

"Really! Don't make me feel guilty Declan, you can have a date if you want to."

"Don't feel obligated to me Mal, in fact, I received invitations from some princesses and duchesses, but I simply turned them down." He said casually looking so attractive with his rose colored suit.

Freda and Hale arrived at the same time, they looked so good together, they both smiled at me, Freda is wearing a light blue Cinderella inspired gown. She looks pretty and very happy, I was guessing Hale already asked her to be his date.

   Nick is the last one to enter our classroom before Mr. Wilson arrive. He is gorgeous as usual, but he seemed a little distracted.

   "You look so beautiful Malia." He whispered in my ear.

    "Thank you, Nick! Is everything okay?" I asked him through his mind.

    "Yes! Everything is fine, I just received news from my brother that my parents cannot come due to urgent matters, he promised me to be here tomorrow." He answered giving me his perfect smile.

All my classmates look striking, all the ladies are wearing fancy gowns, while the gentlemen wear tuxedos or suits. The magical world really amazes me to the highest level.

During our Practical magic class, Avery entered the room like a model from Vogue magazine. Her red velvet mermaid cut gown highlighted her hour glass figure, I can't deny that her beauty is beyond remarkable, how I wish her character is same with her physical appearance. Prince Flynn is assisting her to settle herself on the chair. Our chairs were changed into glittering party chairs for our convenience. They are a perfect couple in this perfect world.

I felt a pang in my chest just looking at them whispering to each other. I shifted my gaze outside the window, and a wide smile breaks out from my face the moment I see aunt Thalia hovering at our classroom window. She is wearing a white gown ornamented with glittering gems. Her presence makes my heart momentarily filled with peacefulness.

   Nick is looking at me with a bizarre expression on his face. "Why are you looking at me like that Nick?" I asked him using telepathy.

   "Did you feel that too? A sudden calmness surrounds the whole academy. It only means one thing the Goddess is here." Nick said and he is looking all over our classroom. All the royals are surveying the whole place too.

"Yes! I am one hundred percent sure, she is here." I told him honestly. My aunt is waving her hand at me, and gestured that she will be leaving to the next room. I nodded and waved my hand in her direction, and I saw the look of surprise in Nick's face.

   "Whoa! Malia did you just see her?" Asked Nick frantically.

    "Yes, Nick! I did." I burst into laughter that made our fellow students look at our direction with curiosity, but Flynn is looking at Nick angrily.

    "I know she can talk to you because you are powerful, according to the book only the mighty fairies can see and communicate with her, I could say it is really true, the writer of the book The Magical Forest Secret is written by a powerful fairy herself." His expression is still in disbelief.

   "Oh! Really Nick? Please remind me to borrow the book after our last class." I said to him.

   "How does she look Malia? Is she still around?"

    "Do you believe me if I say she looks like me? No! She just left, she was there outside our window looking at us, she signaled me that she will go to the next room."

   "Wow! Of course, I know that you will not lie to me, unless it is about your feelings towards Flynn, but how come?" He asked me more confused.

    "I don't know Nick."

    "Maybe because you are a Fairy Spektra, it could be your power is linked with hers, that is why you look like her."

   "I guess, you have a good theory. It could be, or maybe we are blood related who knows." I said, trying to forget his comment about my feelings to Flynn.

    I am about to ask him regarding his utterance about my feelings for the Crown Prince, when Mr. Knight arrived looking good himself. We focus on listening to him discussing the strategy used by my own father during his battle with the Dark King. My eyes are moist upon hearing the part when Queen Thalassa was captured. My father protected his Kingdom, while losing his beloved wife.

My mind is thinking about the discussion of Mr. Wilson, our history professor. According to the chronicle my father turned over his throne to Flynn's father in case he won't be able to come back alive, then he went to the Dark Kingdom alone as per requested by King Trelos who challenged him to one on one combat. The whole fairy population of Ethesia believed that my father was deceived by the dark king.

    He never gave my father the chance to fight, but automatically captured him the moment he set foot in his realm. The whole land of Erthesia knew that my father was powerful, nobody knows what happened, since no one dared to look for my father.

      He wrote a decree before leaving his kingdom that he asked everyone in the fairyland to honor his wishes to respect the new ruler of Erthesia King Cassian, and he does not permit anyone to go to the Dark Kingdom to fight for his sake.

He said the safety of the fairies will always be his top priority, and just like the story Declan told me, a magical scroll appeared in the kingdom after the disappearance of my father containing the information about the rising of the Fairy Spektra.

    "King Maverick used his full power protecting the whole Erthesia, that is why he lost, when he tried to win back the queen, because he never got the chance to regenerate his power. He fled directly to the dark realm, what I am trying to say class, when you fight no matter how powerful you are, always remember you need to heal and make sure to reinvigorate your physical and mental power before facing your enemy." Said professor Knight.

    "Yes, Declan?" Asked Mr. Knight after Declan raised his right hand.

    "King Maverick is known to be the greatest healer, he can heal himself, right?" The prince asked.

    "Yes! He can heal himself."

    "I think the Dark King did something to Queen Thalassa, that made King Maverick lost." Said Nick, that made my heart ache, and make me so angry. I can't wait until I will face the Dark King, I need to train more with my aunt so that I can avenge my parents. Before Mr. Knight can answer Nick, the bell rings signaling the end of our first class of the afternoon.

    I cogitate about my real parents hoping that I will have a chance to see them. It made me lonely, the sad looked on Flynn's face did not get away from my sight, he was looking at me differently today. I can sense that he wants to talk to me, I am still angry with him for toying with my feelings, but deep inside me, I wish to be in his arms again, to feel his sweet kisses and affectionate embrace.