
"Don't worry about him. He's just laying down longer because he was resisting Wally's Sleep Bullets." Sho said, walking forwards and in front of Erza. "As for your location, we're out at sea in a ship." He explained.

Erza was stunned. "A ship?"

Sho nodded. "Yes, and we're heading back towards the Tower of Heaven." He said. Erza looked on at Sho. She then slowly dropped her head down as she couldn't do much of anything,

"I see. I should've guessed it." She said. She then looked over at Nic and he still wasn't budging. He overdid it this time. Sho looked and saw that Erza was looking over towards Nic with deeply concerned eyes, of which he really didn't appreciate.

"You know.' He said. "Personally, I wanted to toss him overboard, but the other said no." Erza almost let a growl escape her, deeply hurt that Sho would say something like that. Still, she couldn't fight back.

"Sho." Erza asked. "Could you untie me? I won't do anything, I swear." She was being truthful to her word, even Sho saw this, but he couldn't.

"You're untrustworthy, I can't let you." Sho said. Erza then tried to break free of her bind, but still couldn't do anything. "Don't bother. Remember? Millianna's Binding Magic conceals Magic. Your efforts are in vain."

Erza then stopped and looked with saddened eyes and dropped her head in defeat. "Fine, but please." She begged. "Allow me to requip into my armor. I don't feel secure…I can't…I'm afraid…I need my armor." She admitted. "I wanna feel safe."

Sho then smiled and looked down on her. "But you look beautiful with that dress." He said. He paused and knelt down and gave Erza a long hug, somewhat shocking her. "I didn't want to do this. I really didn't." He then started to tear up. Erza could see he didn't change much in regards to his sensitivity. "I missed you so much…it hurts." He sobbed.

Erza felt a little sorry that she did go, leaving them all behind. She felt some shame in leaving such innocent family members in the hands of Jellal.

"Tell me…" He asked, pulling away. "Why…Why did you betray Jellal?!" He yelled in front of her face, shocking her. She stayed frozen and then slowly began to ease herself from his sudden outburst.

'Jellal…' she remembered.

Later, in Era…

You could say some time has passed since the casino brawl. It was sunrise and the Magic Council had already found out about the crisis. They dispatched Rune Nights to investigate the casino and the people inside the cards. Fortunately, they were all taken care of and had gotten out of their trap. One of them did mention something about the Tower of Heaven, which provoked worry amongst the Council members.

They had an immediate meeting in regards to the situation at hand. They all appeared on a large Magic circle, with all nine accounted for and arguing how to go about this matter.

"Are you saying the tower is still standing?" A Council member said. "Impossible!"

"A decade ago, construction began on the R-System. It was said to be used by Black Magic users." Another one explained.

"But all seven were destroyed!" A Council person barked. "That tower shouldn't be standing!"

Belno then brought up an image that was black and white, but was clearly showing the Tower of Heaven. "This was the last image we saw before our forces suddenly vanished." She explained.

"How did we miss such a thing? Is it complete?" Org asked.

"No word has gotten back, so even I have no word." She said.

Ultear then gazed at the image for a bit before answering. "Well it looks complete."

"Why would they revive the R-System? It doesn't make sense." A Council person asked.

Seigrain crossed his arms and looked down. "It's not the R-System, it's the Tower of Heaven." He clarified.

"Who cares?" Org said. "Forbidden Magic is used there. Chaos would go about if word got out about its existence!"

"I suggest we dispatch our military." Belno suggested.

Leiji denied this suggestion. "We don't even know who we're dealing with here. Dispatching our military will only put innocent soldiers in harm's way. I heard that the Black Magic no longer controls the tower, but a group of Wizards under the guidance of a man named Jellal."

The Council itself gasped at this information, as they have heard of this individual.

"Jellal?! Isn't he the name of your twin brother Seigrain?" Org asked.

Seigrain didn't say as he took a pause. "Sadly, yes. That's him."

With Natsu and co.

The small group had to use a small boat to get about across the sea as that was their only way of reaching the ship that took Erza, Happy, and Nic. They've been drifting for a short time now, but they were making their way for certain.

"…okay, I'll bite, where the hell are we?" Gray asked as birds sailed in the skies above.

"I don't know. We've been following Salamander's lead this whole time." Juvia explained.

Lucy turned towards Natsu. "Hey, can you get their scent from out here-?" She gawked when she found the Dragon Slayer having his usual motion sickness. Natsu was on the boat and was trying to hold in all of his sickness.

"You idiot, we need your sense of smell!" Gray scolded.

"How daring of you to disappoint my beloved with your sick behavior!" Juvia reprimanded.

Gray then turned away and groaned. "Man, we're pathetic. We got our asses handed to us and they took off with our friends with a clean getaway. Just how shameful can we get?"

"They were probably strong wizards if they were to beat her." Juvia said.

"What?! Erza didn't lose! You act like you know her but you don't!" Gray scolded.

Juvia panicked. "I'm sorry my beloved!"

Lucy looked down at her Fairy Tail mark and just gazed at it while the sun beamed down on the water. "Those guys who took Erza, Happy, and Nic, they said they were old friends of Erza's. Makes you think…if Juvia was right and we don't know her…"

Ntsu was feeling sick right now, but then some odd sensation spiked and he turned his head to the sides. Surprisingly, he had enough strength to stand, shocking everyone. "I just got a strange feeling." He announced.

Above them, they all saw the birds from above dying and falling into the water. There, they saw nothing but wreckage and dead fish to accommodate the death-like feeling.

"Look. That's wreckage of a Fiore Naval Ship." Gray analyzed parts of the wreck.

"Okay, I am officially horrified." Lucy proclaimed.

Still standing, Natsu turned his head and saw something large up ahead. "Hey, what's that?" He asked seriously. Everyone turned to see what was to be in front of them. It was a large tower that scaled up towards the skies. It was black with a decrepit outside and dark clouds all about.

"That must be…the Tower of Heaven." Lucy guessed with suspicion.

Juvia then created a seal over her. "I'll conceal us in my Water Dome." Juvia said. She then used the ocean water and create a massive blue dome of water as a use of camouflage.

"Thanks Juvia." Lucy said as they pressed onwards towards the tower.

With Erza and Nic

Erza looked on in shock as the once small structure was towering above her. She gasped. "The tower…it's been completed?!" She stated at the entrance.

"What do you expect?" Sho asked. "We've been working on it for almost ten years."

"So, it's been that long." Erza pondered. "It's wondrous how you've all changed too." She then looked over at Simon, who had Nic over his shoulder and still fairly unconscious. 'Nic, wake up soon.'

With Natsu and co.

"I can't take it!" Natsu blabbed out, his motion sickness now kicking back in after losing focus. They were so close to the tower and they had to use this to their advantage.

"Take it easy Natsu, we're almost there." Lucy informed.

Gray just groaned, fed up with this. "That tears it! Next time, we're knocking him out!"

With Erza and Nic

Erza and Nic were placed in a cell that was considered rusty. They were put in there as of recently and Simon was looking about while Sho was talking to Erza. Nic wasn't awake as of yet, but he should he coming around, hopefully.

"The ceremony will be tonight. You'll be here until then." Sho said.

Erza was in binds over her head and couldn't move her arms well. Nic was lying on the floor and still out.

'Ceremony?' she thought. 'They'll activate the R-System?!'

Sho bend towards his side and smirked. "This is what you get for betraying us."

Simon then decided that things were under control, so he took his leave and departed, leaving Sho all by himself.

"Jellal is making you a special honor Erza." He said, continuing.

Nic then started to slowly wince, but then slowly began opening his eyes. His back was turned, so the two didn't see him awaken slowly. Until the right time, he had to play possum. He continued listening his back turned and lying on the ground.

"You will be the sacrifice for tonight." Sho stated with a twisted face. Erza looked on with a serious face, trying not to panic. "It's sad we'll never see you again, but you're going to help us reach Heaven." Erza then slowly started to tremble a little, slipping her stoic self a little bit.

"Aw, is someone scared of being a sacrifice? You should be." Sho sneered. Nic had to hold in everything he had. This was just as tough as that time when Seigrain taunted Erza back at the trial. He had to hold it in, for he needed the element of surprise. It was tough, but he had to bare.

Sho then continued. "Doesn't this cell bring back memories? Remember? You got punished when I came up with the plan of making that big hole in the wall." He then looked out at the wall and there was indeed a large hole that a child could slip through. "I was too scared to say anything in defense…I'm sorry, it was my fault." He drooped his head, feeling guilty for that day.

Erza paused and spoke. "That's all history Sho. You guys need to know is how dangerous it is to resurrect someone with the R-System."

Sho smirked and shrugged. "Huh, didn't expect you to figure it out."

'R-System? This doesn't sound good.' Nic thought, still as quiet as can be.

"The Revive System. In exchange for numerous sacrifices, a single person is brought back from the dead. It's inhumane Sho, It's forbidden Black Magic!"

"Shut your mouth!" Sho scolded. "Who ever said Magic had to be humane to begin with? I say Magic wears away at humanity!" He had a creepy and sinister look on his face now.

"It's Black Magic philosophy. Don't tell me you're one of them." Erza said.

"Are you comparing us to those idiots? We've been enlightened by Jellal! He's the one who said that this tower will bring us to Heaven!" He turned and now his face was so dark that it wasn't even close to being funny. It could leave your spine crawling in so many ways that you could become immobile. Nic had to wait just a little longer.

Sho turned and started to walk a little. "Once we revive him, the world shall forever be reborn. And we shall become its rulers." Erza was beginning to boil up inside with the stuff Sho is saying. He's changed into something that truly disappointed her, and all she could do was stand there with her hands bind over her head while he continues talking. "The cult members that kept us prisoners all those years, the loved ones of the sister who betrayed us, the citizens who lived their ignorant lives, those fools on the Magic Council, we'll put fear in every last one of them all! They'll be stripped of their control and we'll be in charge! THEY WILL BOW BEFORE US!" Sho then did a maniacal laughter, of which Nic finally sprung from his still self.

'Now!' He shifted himself while Erza was trying to get down and Sho had his back turned. He was in running position and shifted into his Dread Plate. "Not today you ignorant punk!" Nic shouted as he zoomed into Sho just as we was turning around and used Pursuit, driving a quick knee into his side and slamming him into the iron prison bars. Sho gagged and he fell unconscious, dropping to the floor.

Nic turned back to see a very surprised Erza. Erza herself was more than shocked. For one thing, she was glad Nic was awake; secondly that he managed to get the upper hand so fast and strike so hard, even though Pursuit wasn't that strong. But overall, she was stunned.

"Nic, it's you. You're awake." Erza said, hiding a hint of relief. Nic walked over and helped Erza down. He grabbed her waist and she slowly was let down. Nic then had Erza hold out her wrists while he used Bite, with his canines glowing, and bit down on the rope, snapping it with very little effort. Erza shook her wrists and gazed back at Sho.

The two turned to see the unconscious Sho. Erza then saw the sweet innocent boy from ten years ago, now turned into this. Erza was trembling. She didn't know what to feel. She felt sad, upset, anger, rage, everything along those lines. Nic could tell Erza was having a hard time, but he didn't dare to say much but words of encouragement.

Nic turned towards Erza. "I don't know what this Jellal guy did, but we'll get to the bottom of this." He said. Erza slowly stopped her trembling and then requipped into her Heart Kreuz Armor with a fierce look swelling in her gaze.

"Jellal, you're gonna pay!" She announced.

Nic then turned towards the cell door. "…sorry I had to do that to him, but lives are at stake." He said with a small hint of guilt. "Now let's get moving!" The two then burst out of their cell and leaped onwards towards wherever they're suppose to be going.

With Happy

In the meantime, Happy finally emerged from his long sleep and woke to the view that almost freaked him out like there was no tomorrow. Cat themed stuff everywhere! Cat chandeliers, cat furniture, cat plushes just about everywhere you turned. Ironically, Happy wasn't feeling comfortable at all.

"What the?! I'm surrounded by cats!" Happy exclaimed. He looked around to see that he was unfamiliar with the location. "Where am I? This place is creeping me out."

He then turned his head and Millianna had just showed up. She was staring at Happy with glittering eyes.

"Meow." She said.

Happy completely flipped out. "A psycho cat girl!"

Millianna then leaned forward, not paying attention to what Happy had just said. "So, how are we feeling today?"

Happy looked on with a blank expression, but did answer her question. "Well I've been better."

Millianna gasped and constricted Happy in a hug and wailed about in sudden joy.

"Oh! I got a talking kitty!"

"Hey. Easy! You're gonna hug me to death!" Happy complained.

"Hey Milli, you'd best be taking it easy on him before you crush him and such." Wally said at the doorway. He had a finger on his cap and crossed his legs.


Happy looked in shock to see that he recognized Wally. "It's you!" He yelled accusingly.

Millianna walked on over after she let go of Happy and was right next to Wally.

"Sure a talking feline is dandy, but you know what's dandier? A feline that can talk!" He said. Millianna clapped her hands in agreement.

"There's no difference!" Happy protested. Happy ran up to them with a look that showed he was not in the mood for humor or feline girls. "How did I get here? And what did you do to Natsu?"

Wally smirked and pointed at Happy. "Keep your mouth at bay cat, or you'll end up sleeping with your little pink friend.

Happy recoiled as he was startled by not only his threat, but the mentioning of Natsu's downfall. Happy paused and looked at his paws. "There's no way Natsu could've lost."

Two guards then approached Wally and Millianna from behind. The way they ran up to them was a sign that meant trouble went down.

They stood at attention. "We've got a problem!"

"Erza Scarlet and Nic Pularis have both escaped their cell!" The other guard said. Both turned in shock at this development.

"Meow! That's Erzy for ya!" Millianna said, rather amused.

Wally tipped his hat. "She ain't escaping this time, and her friend that gave us a beating wil just have to deal with us." Wally said.

The guards then turned to allow them through. "Please follow us." They said. With a situation bearing down on them, Wally and Millianna both exited the room and dashed off, leaving Happy all by himself.

Happy was left pondering in that one spot while the two fled and ran off to stop Erza and Nic. "So, Erza and Nic are both here as well." Happy said. "I wonder about the others as well?"

Era Magic Council

The Council was just throwing about ideas as to how the situation should be taken care of. They all couldn't seem to agree with the other and conflicts were going about.

"We have to stop Jellal here and now!" Michello advised.

"We need to get information and intel!" Leiji advised.

"Send in the military at once!" Belno advised.

All of them couldn't exactly agree or listen to what the other had to say, not until Seigrain spoke.

"You blind fools! None of those tactics will do any good whatsoever." Seigrain said. Org was shocked to hear him say such sully things.

"Seigrain!" Org reprimanded.

"You dare mock us?" Belno reprimanded.

Seigrain paid no heed as he had his own idea, though it wasn't exactly subtle. "Listen to me, all of you. It's classified as murder to send in hundreds of innocent soldiers when the odds aren't in our favor. Only fools would do so. I'm telling you all it's far too dangerous!"

Org studied Seigrain, seeing where he was going with this. "Then what is it that you propose?"

Seigrain crossed his arms and took a brief pause to gather his wording. "This situation is beyond measurement and could lead to drastic consequences if resolved carelessly. If we want to stop Jellal and destroy the Tower of Heaven, we'll have to resort to the only thing that can do such a thing – Etherion." Siegrain explained.

The Council members all were surprised and stunned to hear such a drastic decision coming from Seigrain.

"Are you insane?!" Org shouted.

"That's heavily destructive Magic you're talking about!" Michello shouted.

"There's no way we can uphold such a power! It's only meant as a last resort! It's far more lethal than the R-System itself!" Belno protested.

"That weapon can obliterate an entire nation Seigrain!" Leiji scolded.

Seigrain understood completely, but he had to persuade them in some way possible. "Just hear me for a minute. The satellite can pinpoint any target within the region. If we focus solemnly on the tower, we can cause less extensive damage and be rid of the tower itself." His side of the argument did seem somewhat reasonable, but still wasn't enough.

Still, Ultear easily went along with Seiigrain's suggestion of using Etherion. She raised her hand in favor. "I vote we proceed with the use of Etherion." Ultear announced. Org turned with a displeased and shocked expression.

"Ultear, seriously?!" Org reprimanded.

"Three more votes will give us the majority to fire." Seigrain said. "But we can't wait around, we cannot allow contemplation to uphold our resolutions forever. Time is not on our side here. I implore that you all vote in favor with me on this one. We cannot allow Jellal to push any more boundaries than he already has and activate the Tower of Heaven! The danger is too great to even fathom!"

"But the Etherion blast has dire consequences. It will not only destroy the tower, but it will no doubt kill your brother." Org notified.

Seigrain looked down and seemed rather discontent with this news. "I realize that, but my brother and I have chosen two separate paths. I didn't want to end up killing him, but he's brought this upon himself. There's no justice on the side he's on." He said with discontent in his voice. "It's a sacrifice for the greater good in this world."

With Nic and Erza

The two angry individuals stormed through the hall and towards the outside after they viciously incapacitated some of the guards inside the tower. Erza was running, but Nic was tagging along with her.

When they turned towards the outside staircase, there were four guards in all with one monster with large protruding canines and a spiked collar.

"Hey, stop them!" The guard closest to them shouted, but he was easily silenced when Nic flashed into his Zap Plate and used Spark with such accuracy that his mask cracked and he fell on the step.

The beast barked heinously and began to charge at them. Nic had no time to play with a mutt from the depths of evil and he punched straight down on its head with a Thunder Punch. The beast slammed into the stairs and was out cold. Erza slipped past him and slashed at two other guards ahead. One landed on top of the beast and the other fell back against the tower wall.

The last guard himself was trying to get away, but Nic aimed an Electro Ball ahead and intercepted him, forcing him to stop and allow Erza to back him up against the tower wall and point a sword at his throat. The guard shuddered as he was effortlessly cornered and the mighty Titania and Luminous were giving him death-like expressions. It was clear they weren't going to take 'no' for an answer. Nic was encased in electricity and ready to strike when the situation called for it if he denied them their answer.

"Talk! Where is Jellal?!" Erza demanded.

Meanwhile, at the top…

In a spacious room, there was a rather large centerpiece that was crystal blue lacrima. The floor ladder piece that connected to the center was joined to the thrown. The thrown itself was very large and extremely tall with a hooded figure sitting on it. He was with blue hair and a red tattoo plastered on his face such as Seigrain was.

Jellal sat on his thrown and laughed about while looking through the lacrima and seeing an image of Erza and Nic both dashing through the tower with such determination.

"Master Jellal?" Vidaldus asked. Vidaldus was a mildly muscular being of average height and had long black hair that went down to his feet. He had a large hooked nose and rather hairy eyebrows that pointe upwards like spikes. He had on a sleeved shirt that was paired with plain armbands, pants, gloves, and shoes.

Jellal paid no heed as he continued to watch the screen. "Erza has grown into quite the young woman I see. I have to admit, I'm impressed. I'm also quite confound by her little accomplice Nic Pularis. His power is quite remarkable by itself. The mighty Titania and Luminous making their way. I'm rather anxious to see how this all plays out."

He then lowered his head and smirked with such confidence. "I wonder as to who will prevail in this fight. Will it be me or those two? We shall have ourselves a little game that tells of one's past and future, life and death. We shall see who wins this game once and for all."

I have to say, this chapter was a bit on the boring side, but it's what I had to suffice for the time being. Things were slow, but they'll pick up for sure.

I have to ask you guys something. I want to make Erza's history a short dialogue that explains her past so we can get on with the story and Arc, but some of you might want a long flashback, but leave a Review if you want me to make a quick dialogue or the latter.

Please Favorite, Follow, & Review if you enjoy this story and/or chapter up to this point.

Next Time: An Unfriendly Game