Prelude to the Trials of the Labyrinth (1)

Days quickly passed by and there were more and more cultivators from all parts of the Desolate Celestial Fraternity that had shown up in the many settlements below the imposing Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth that was making a slow descend.

Finally the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth had stopped descending and all the cultivators were now growing even more excitingly; it was because in three more days, the trials of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth would finally be opened!

The newly arrived cultivators to the settlements were astonished that they were suddenly seeing an impossible sight; half of the men around were actually beardless and they were even quite proud of it!

"What the heck?"

"The world must be ending…"

"Why are there so many men walking around without a beard?!"

"They are not even golden celestials…"

"What?! They shaved off their beards?!"

The cultivators were now split into the bearded and the beardless groups as they quarreled daily against one another.