Choosing a Trial Party Leader

It is said there are eighteen celestial fraternities big and small that are taking part in the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth and there are always more than a hundred thousand golden celestials.

Even though it is difficult to meet a fellow associate cultivator inside but there will always be thousands if not hundreds in any same trial level due to the large numbers of golden celestials.

The Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth is a place where the golden celestials can take their trials and be rewarded handsomely. Therefore there is a powerful restriction in this place that only allows only the golden celestials to enter this place. With such a powerful restriction, the rewards for the trials naturally must be satisfying to the golden celestials in order to entice them inside.

It is said that every golden celestial must at least enter the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth once in their lifetime in order to pass through their rite of passage to become a true celestial.