The Trial of the Transmigration (5)

Ji Yuan had said to mortal cultivators, "There are some berries and fruits upstream from here. Remember not to go too far."

When they had returned, many of them were smiling excitingly; it was because they were carrying lobsters, prawns and crabs in their hands. They were literally drooling with excitement.

But when Ji Yuan saw what was in their hands, he was gulping weakly as he cursed them; why are they eating mites, centipedes and spiders?! These mortal cultivators sure have funny taste buds…

Maybe they are already being poisoned too much…

These creatures are extremely tasty because they literally eat anything. When cultivators eat these creatures, they will also develop a ravenous appetite…

Do these mortal cultivators even know that they are actually something weird? Or their intelligence is so low that they can't tell that these creatures are all horrible creatures that look differently from us? They all have their skeletons outside and not inside…