Greed Isle (1)

Ji Yuan and his party had immediately followed Gong Xiaotian lead into the portal.

Much to Ji Yuan amusement, Yun Chi had followed side by side with him as well.

The reason why he was amused was that Yun Chi was surrounded by the animosities of the six maidens in his party but she seemed unbothered by it.

He was actually frowning; how did she manage to put on her pleasant smiles even under this situation?

But he had no time to think over it; he had already entered into the portal which showed an image of an island within it.

As soon as he had stepped into the shimmering red portal, a beam of light was guiding him to the island and he found himself flying toward it.

He was praying; this light has better not break halfway. I don't want to drop into the waters below because I can't swim at all…

At the same time he was astonished by the endless body of water below; this is an ocean?

He had never seen an ocean before in his life.