Can we be friends?

When the other five maidens saw Bai Qianfeng returning with Yun Chi in a cordial manner, they were actually quite surprised.

What is going on?

This is the most foremost question that is in their minds right now.

Ling Feiyue turned to Ji Yuan with a perplexed look as she muttered softly, "What is going on…"

She had thought of rebuking Yun Chi again after she had returned but right now, she was really very confused.

Even Little Princess and Shui Xisi who were both equally strong willed, were rendered wordless as they turned to look at Bai Qianfeng for an answer.

Bai Qianfeng smiled weakly, "Maiden Yun Chi here is actually very sorry for her past haughty attitude toward all of us and hope that we can put aside our past enmities and we can all become friends."

Yun Chi smiled wryly, "Yes, I am indeed very sorry. Please allow me to offer you my sincere apologies."