Prelude to the Inner Pangu Citadel (5)

The mysterious great mistress was now visibly upset as she stared coldly at Ji Yuan while Ji Yuan was thinking that he was in his dreams and he was now looking at the most beautiful pair of golden eyes that he had ever seen.

She was literally teething with great rage when she recalled that Ji Yuan had rudely grabbed her boobs tightly earlier, seen her true face by unmasking her and now he was mouthing crudely that he wanted to pop her cherry.

Therefore she raised her finger gesture in a show of profound might as a powerful profound aura burst out from her as her killing intent filled in her deep golden eyes.

She gasped with soft teething rage, "I'm not going to purify you anymore but I will purify your everything from this existence."

But Ji Yuan laughed as he coughed weakly as he endured his painful injuries, "My pleasure to be served by such a wondrous maiden!"

He had no idea that this was not a mere dream.