Prelude to the Final Trial (4)

When Feng Minyue and Ji Yuan were returning from the valley, back to their camp, they were still holding hands. 

As soon as they caught sight of their camp, they quickly broke loose of each other. 

This however, was not lost on Yun Chi, Bai Qianfeng and Ling Feiyue. 

As for the Great Beyond Goddess, she naturally was aware of what was happening but she was playing dumb. 

Feng Minyue was still quietly looking at Ji Yuan. She had so many orgasms that she had actually lost count and this was the very first time that she had orgasm. She felt really embarrassed and chided herself for actually being a hoe.

In fact, she was quite addicted to the experiences and she could not let go of Ji Yuan…

But in Ji Yuan's eyes, she was perfect and he liked her. Moreover he had actually conquered his dream girl! 

Xiang Li had to remind him: Big Brother, you have not conquered Jiajia yet! 

Ji Yuan simply brushed Xiang Li aside!