Bliss City Arena Second Trial (8)

Outside the trial of the arena, at the speculator stand. 

Yun Chi had a dark brooding look when she had suddenly spotted Vice Steward Gu Sangu inside the arena trial.

With a quick scan of her divine sense, she had also found out the location of Steward Gu Bugu who was hiding among one of the 30 000 speculators. 

She had already guessed that Steward Gu Bugu was here to warn his brother Gu Sangu if the Death God Mingwang were to make his sudden appearance in the VIP speculator stand. 

If the Death God Mingwang did not make his appearance, then they would consider his proteges to be the living meat for their Dragon Faction. 

It was because the arena was a free for all bestial place for the cultivators and there were no reasons for her protégés to be inside. 

Indeed Yun Chi had no idea why her protégés were inside the arena for.