Bliss City Arena Final Trial (1)

Zhi Jiugong's heavenly voice was announcing to the arena contestants, "The third and final trial will last for 40 hours. If you had already copulated with a cultivator, remember that you will have to copulate with a new cultivator for the renewal of your profound strength. In this trial however, you have to obtain 9 Points instead of the usual 6 Points. Killing one cultivator will get you 3 Points each while copulating with a new cultivator will also get you 3 Points. This time round, there will be no group points. As it is before, profound pills will still be limited in its uses."

She paused briefly before saying, "However, you will be allowed to give or trade to the other cultivator up to a limit of 1 Points. If you do so, 1 Points will be deducted from you. You can't trade your Points if you have less than 0."