The Truth 'Hurts'

As Ji Yuan walked down the stairs with Maiden Flower Ju, he was still thinking if he ought to eat shit this time; it was because he had previously said that he would eat shit if he were interested in 'Han Muyuan' who was actually the Divine Consort Tang Manni herself.

He had suddenly realized that he once had a good chance to gain the Trust Points from Divine Consort Tang Manni but he had now screwed it. 

The 'easiest to approach' Divine Consort had now been turned into the 'hardest to approach' Divine Consort by his own remarks of late. 

He looked terrible after walking out from the personal room of Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei. 

Maiden Flower Ju saw his terrible look and had asked what was wrong.

But Ji Yuan simply said to her, "Nothing…"

Xiao Muhan saw the bitter look that was on Ji Yuan as he was walking down the stairs, "What is wrong? You don't look too happy. Did Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei says something to you?"