Why is Xu Yifei kissing Ji Yuan?

Maiden Flower Ju and the other maidens had quickly brought Ji Yuan to see Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei who was also appearing shocked.

Naturally Xiao Muhan was not around as he was forbidden to follow them.

Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei gasped with shock as she touched Ji Yuan's chest, "What has just happened?"

Maiden Flower Ju panicky said, "Master Ji Yuan, he is punched to the death by that Xiao Muhan…"

Many of the maidens were also nodding as they said together, "Xiao Muhan has killed Master Ji Yuan. We have seen it with our very own eyes."

Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei: …

She said quietly, "Master Ji Yuan is not dead yet. He has just entered into a state of animated death…"

Maiden Flower Ju and the rest of the maidens were startled, "Master Ji Yuan is still alive?"

Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei nodded slowly, "Leave us alone. I see what I can do."