Number 1 Ding Xiaoxiao is truly Pissed Off

Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth, 6th level.

Number 1 Ding Xiaoxiao, Shen Qin, Li Ye and Guo Taiming had all managed to reach the 6th level of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth and they looked pleased.

At least that was when they had first stepped foot on the 6th level. 

Right now, Number 1 Ding Xiaoxiao was looking a little pissed off and for the right reasons.

It was because of a prelude trial on the 6th level to obtain the Pangu Key in order to enter the Inner Pangu Citadel for the final trial. 

This prelude trial required her to go to the lower mortal realm and to help the mortal cultivators there. 

And she had failed numerous times. 

Luckily for her, the flow of time was much slower in the mortal realm than here or else her trial would have already ended.