8th Rank, 1st Class Golden Horn Wolly Nympha (3)

Ji Yuan had unsheathed his other emperor-step divine sword Xiang Li to his left hand and also his second sword spirit.

In fact, in order to shake off the shackles of the immobilization on him, he had also mustered his desolate cherubim spirt animus.

However, he still could not move freely and he knows that he could not even come close to this Golden Horn Wolly Nympha due to the intense static field that was generating around it when the mystic profound circle was generating. 

"Millions Swords Field!"

Hundreds of profound swords materialized around him as Ji Yuan willed all his sword intentions to form his Thousand Sacred Swords into the Harker of the Million Swords through his Millions Swords Domain. 

No matter what, he could not allow Xu Yifei to come to harm as he sent an onslaughter of hundreds of profound sword energies into a straight impale against the Golden Horn Wolly Nympha!