Number 1 vs. Ji Yuan (2)

Ji Yuan had flashed forward to make his attack with his right hand and the first profound attack that he was going to make was his Grand Cross, a powerful sword art that used his life force energies but one that could blow most of his opponents away. 

But even before he could he could cross his two divine swords together, Number 1 Ding Xiaoxiao had already made a move by raising her scabbard in the middle of his two divine swords. 

This startled Ji Yuan; this was also his strongest focus point of his life force energies as well as his weakest. 

But Ji Yuan was soon grinning because Number 1 Ding Xiaoxiao was not going to stop him as he unleashed a huge burst of lethal life force energies that exploded over her!

"He is not a right hander? His left hand is the one that contained all his profound strength…"