Prelude to the Third Trial

Now that the 2 days cultivation rest was nearing the rest, many of the champions were restless in the arena as they were all expecting for the trial spirit to make an announcement soon.

Even Ji Yuan, Chu Lixue and Xiao Muhan were waiting anxiously for the next trial to begin.

Ji Yuan was frowning, "It should be time soon, right?"

The profound voice of the Trial Spirit was suddenly heard again but this time, the non-gender voice sounded deeper as though it was now a different trial spirit.

"It is now time for your third trial to start…"

"There are 220 of you here. In the next trial, you will be seeded randomly into 55 teams of 4 each…"

Many of the champions around Ji Yuan were muttering, "4 champions in each team? Our team seems to get smaller and smaller with every trial…"

Almost all the champions were actually hoping for a bigger team as the first 2 trials had taught them to depend on each other for support.