Reaching the Bloody Forest

It took the caravan 3 days to reach within sight of the Bloody Forest. 

Ji Yuan then ordered everyone to remove the goods from the wheeled caravan as they were all going on foot now into the dense forest.

The trees here were really monstrous and it averaged 100m in height. The leaves of these trees however were red in color instead of the green coloring.

During the 3 days that Ji Yuan was here, he noticed that the day was always dark red while the night did not have any red lights from the heavens and it was truly dark. 

Actually, he could reach this place in less than a single day with his speed. 

But then, he was leading these 100 men and maidens; they did not have his speed or stamina. Moreover, they needed to eat, drink, rest and sleep. 

Ji Yuan had almost forgotten that he was once a low level cultivator now after he had been a high level cultivator for the past several hundreds years.