Reaching the Nightfall Heights

The Dark Abyssal Realm.

3 days after leaving the forest where Ji Yuan had met Number 1 Ding Xiaoxiao, he saw the great mountains of the Nightfall Heights.

Although it was a mere 3 days but Ji Yuan and Xuan Qiaoqiao did not take any long breaks. Instead they had traveled day and night for this 3000 miles journey.

But to Ji Yuan and Xuan Qiaoqiao, this was actually an easy journey. 

The great mountains of the Nightfall Heights were surrounded by numerous chasms and red forests; any invasion forces would not have an easy time to reach the Nightfall Heights.

When Ji Yuan saw the mountain walls of the Nightfall Heights, he was also in shock.

It was because the mountain sides were almost vertical in steepness on all sides and the lowest height was at least 30 miles and it sketched for 100 miles.