Ji Yuan vs. Number 3 Meixuan the Seer

Number 3 Mei Yinxuan was in shock; how could this Sword Saint Ji Yuan able to use his Sword Domain repeatedly without exhausting his sword intentions?!!

Moreover, she could sense a powerful life and destruction field within this sword domain. Every time he uses this sword domain, there should be a severe back lash to his life force energies. 

If it is minor sword domain then it is entirely possible but the sword domain that this Sword Saint Ji Yuan had used was just too powerful to be reuseable so many times.

If it was Ji Yuan's other sword domains then it was indeed true that he was not able to use repeatedly. 

But this Dividing One Sword was the inherent profound sword art of the True Devil God and it could be repeatedly used as long as Ji Yuan and Little Yui have the fighting will and the profound strength to use it.