Ji Yuan 'Defeats' the Great God Pangu

The Humanoid Natas proudly declared that he too, was willing to be a duck.

But no one bothered to look in his direction.

He was now feeling a little weird now as he stole a glance to look at the Mighty Great Goddess Destiny. 

But the attention of Destiny was simply not on him.

He thought to himself: That's weird. Am I not the alpha of the alpha among the humanoid races? Why is that no one seems to be interested in me? Why is that they are all interested in this Ji Yuan?

When Destiny had told him that she would help him to metamorphosis into a humanoid, he was very happy as he already got the likeness that he had desired.

Destiny had told him, "Before we begin, I'd like to know if you got in mind the likeness that you would like to transform into. I can't control your appearances though and this will depend on the shape that you have visioned." 

The Humanoid Natas nodded without hesitation as he laughed aloud, "I am ready!"