Chapter 18

Disclaimer: Every reader is familiar with the typical fiction disclaimer. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Please don't forget to vote every chapter and leave a comment for your thoughts! Also, sorry for wrong grammars, punctuation marks, apostrophe or typo. English is not my first language, that's why. I am still learning, tho. But I hope you will still give my story a try. Thank you and I love you(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


"Gotcha!". I scream when I shoot the ball. We are already here in the arcade and we're enjoying playing basketball.

"Noelle is a shooter". Gab said while shooting the ball continuously. We still have one minute before the first part end.

"This is basic dude". I said proudly while staring at him. He bite his lips and smile in a very romantic way.

I don't know but, it makes me smile even more. "Let's play basketball one time in your subdivision". He said.

One minute passed and we are now in the second part of this basketball machine. For you to reach until the end, you must pass the requirements of point. Price is only a ticket, it depends how many points you gain.

"My arm aches". I said then laughed. He looked somewhere and smile.

"What do you wanna play, then?". He asked. We got bunch of tickets. He said that we can exchange the ticket in the counter. In replace of something.

"There!". I said then point out the racing car. "Let's play that". I added.

His eyes-widened when I point out the car racing thing.

"We can just play basketball if you don't want to play that Gab". I said softly. He shook his head multiple times, I don't get it.

"Are you a girl?". He asked then laughed. Seriously?! He is asking me if I am a girl?! Whar the hell Gab?!

"Of course I am! What a stupid question from you!". I said. I am disgusted. He even ask question with obvious answers! The hell!

"No, I mean girls are not like that. Girls always want to be a feminine type. Did you get my point? I mean most of the girls doesn't want this type of environment". He explained. Now, I get his point. It's quite true.

"What do you expect? You are only my friend and we play things that you want". I replied.

That's true, I don't have friends especially girls. How will I have one if I just stay in our house and never had a chance to explore.

"You have a point Noelle". He said. Maybe Gab understand my point well. He lead the way towards the racing car. I follow him.

"See? As if you don't know my cycle in our house. Study, watch movies, scroll in my social media, eat and sleep. I don't have a friend before. But, I met you, gladly". I said. I sound sarcastic before the last sentence.

He sat down on one of the seat. He hold the steering wheel with his two hands. He looked at his self first then he look at me. "You're lucky that you met me". He said proudly.

I let out a deep breath and rolled my eyes. I am about answer him but, he gesture that I need to be silen. "Shhh!". He gestured with his index finger that located in his mouth.

"I am not yet finish on what I about to say". He said. He looked serious so, I don't talk even a single word. I am just staring at him eye contact.

"I am also lucky that I have you Noelle". He said softly. That sentence makes my heart flutter. It's Gabrielle's side. He has a side that he is sweet and you will notice how kind he is. Yeah, even though he loves teasing me, I know one person can protect me at all cost. And that is Gab.

I have not noticed myself from smiling. I am smiling right now. This smile is not a typical smile, there's something in it that it makes a different.

"Your cheeks are getting red Noelle. Are you falling to me, huh?". He said. I touch my cheeks as if I can feel if Gab is telling the truth. I open my bag and grab my phone. I open the front camera and look myself.

"Holy cow!". I said, freak! I saw Gab smiling silently. "Hey! Who's your smiling at?". I asked. He looks weird. Gab is trying to stop himself from laughing. His right hand is in his moutg and the other one is still holding the steering wheel.

"Why your cheeks are red? Your a soft girl Noelle". He said while stopping himself from laughing.

"You can now laugh. Just fuckin' laugh Gab!". I scream. I forgot that we are here in arcade and not in our home. Few people looked at me. I felt shy. Gab bow down in the steering wheel. He is also shy because of the scene I make. Oh, oh! That's a wrong move, Noelle.

"Couples? Are you two already finish about the game? We are waiting for you to finished and you haven't play anything. You just talk". A stranger said to me. I was surprised when he talked to me.

I ran towards the exit without waiting Gab. I ran along the hallway even though I don't know where I will go. After some time, I stopped. I was gasping for breath. I hold my chest and breathe. I do it three times.

"Noelle! You're too fast". Gab complaint while he is holding his chest. Maybe Gab feel the same about me.

"Sorry, there's lot of people earlier. It's such a crowd and they are all staring at me. I don't like the vibe". I defense. I am not comfortabler with lots of people, more on if their attention is in me. I'd rather die than to be in that situation.

"Yeah sorry for making fun of you". He said.

"It's okay. I'm used to it". I said. I am serious when I said that but, I don't know why Gab is laughing right now....again.

"You know what Gab? Sometimes I don't know what is your mood. Or what's inside in your mind. You act different everytime". I complaint. Gab is hard to distinguish. Sometimes he is serious but sometimes he is not.

"I just find it cute, tho". He replied. He put his right hand in my shoulder and we walked slowly. We are both gasping for breath earlier. I don't like that kind of thing happen to me again.

"You found cute what? Me?". I said, joking.

"Hmm". He replied in a very low voice. I just act that I didn't heard it. I know Gab is just joking. He jokes all the time. That's his personality.

While we are walking, my phone ring. I immediately answer the call from tita Eleanor.

"Yes tita?". I asked.

"Where are you? We are here in the starbucks. I'll treat you a drink. Get down Noelle". Tita Eleanor asked. I nod even though she won't see it.

"What mom says?". Gab asked after I hang up the call.

"She will treat us Starbucks today. Let's go. I think we will go home after". I explained then we walked a little faster.

We saw starbucks at the end of the hall. When we get there, people is quite few. I looked around and saw a long line in a...

"Photobooth?!" We said at once. There's a long line in the other side of the mall. I think they will a have a family picture.

I suddenly remember dad. I hope we have a family picture. The last family picture of ours is when I was just months old. I don't have knowledge that time.

"You want to have a family picture too?". Gab asked me. I felt quite disappointed. Sadness marked my face. I can't even smile right now

"No. No need. Let's get in". I hold back.

I open the door to get in. Gab followed me. Tita and mom welcomed us by raising their hand. We can see them either they raise their hand or not. There's a few people.

"We ordered a frappe for the two of you. We ordered a hard one". Eleanor explained. I grab my drink. It's a double chocolaty chip crème frappuccino. Gab gets a chocolate cookie crumble crème frappuccino.

I take a sip and it tastes so good. While I am taking a sip they are signaling something. I didn't move. I was so busy to take a sip in my drink. Starbucks is my favorite of all time.

"I want to try the photobooth over there Noelle. What do you think?". Mom asked. I was surprised when mom talk about the photobooth.

"It's for families mom". I said indisposed then take a sip again.

"We are already your family Noelle. Come on". Eleanor said cheerfully.

"Someday you will take away my surname". Gab said in a very low voice. That I am the only one who can hear it.

You don't have to feel broke if you have broken family. Consider your friend as your familybas well and let them feel that they are special in all ways.