Chapter 41(Trio)

Kring! Kring! Kring! Gab's phone vibrates. We are here in the living room watching some cartoons while eating some sweet popcorns that mom bought three days ago. This is so delicious and easybto cook, we just put it in the microwave. Shhh! Don't tell anyone.

"I think that's Elijah already Gab. Should we check it?". I ask then put bunch of popcorns in my mouth.

"No need to check, he just texted me. We should pick him outside. Elijah is waiting on our gate". Gab said while checking his phone. I nod even though he won't see me doing that thing. Yeah weird.

I stood up and Gab also did the same. As I open the door, I saw Elijah wearing a plain black shirt paired with white shorts with a length on his knees. He is also carrying some box of pizza!?