Chapter 47(Nicaragua)

As we enter, the lights went off. I can't barely see the surrounding. There are students in the dancing area holding whisky while dancing. They don't look wasted since this bar just open. Also, the bottles they are holding has no discounted yet.

"Is this safe?". I said while we are walking around the bar and looking for a table and seat to place on.

"What do you mean?". Elijah ask me. While we are walking, I almost fell because of darkness around me. Good thing, Gab hold my wrist.

As we sit and Elijah went away to ask for a menu, Gab get closer to me and speak, "Do you want to go home? Tell me if you're not comfortable. We can go home". He said.

I smile and hold his arms and speak, "No, I am good. I don't have idea what's the feeling and experience being in a bar, so why I will go home right? Don't worry about me, enjoy this night Gab without thinking about how I feel. I can manage myself. Be happy okay?". I ask. He nods and smirk at the last part.