Chapter 79

"what happen to her? I mean, why she look like that? Is something strange happen?". I ask frequently when they entered the condo. Jeorella look a wasted as damn. AllI can see is her red cheeks as well as her red ears. She not conscious at all. I stand to help Gab with Jeorella and then I close the door. 

Elijah did not bother to help Gab to remove all the things on top of the couch. Gab put Jeorella on the couch and he remove the shoes carefully. How cute. When he did that, I look away and then I stop staring to Elijah. His eyebrows raise trying to tease me, I roll my eyes to him. 

I get something on the sink. I look for a clean towel and I put warm water. I give it to Gab. "spread this to her body. She need this. According to what I see, she can have a fever anytime. She look really tired". I explain then walk away. I sit beside Elijah.