Chapter 108(Startled)

"Gab". I stated. I can't move my leg just to get closer to him and talk to him. I don't know what to say. The surroundings are full of lights. I look at the other side and there I saw Gianna and I think her boyfriend. 

"Sorry Gianna for worrying you. He just ask for help to surprise you". Gianna explain to me and then he point out Gab who's now holding a flower and he gave it to me. 

I look at him wondering. I don't know what to react. I can't speak fluently since I can't understand what's happening. "Gab? Is this too much already, isn't it?". I said then get my the flower. It's blue roses and it look so fine. 

He shake his head before he answer. "To be exact, its not enough for everything I've done and say to you last time. I know it hurts you somehow, and I want to say sorry for that. I did not mean to offend and hurt you. forgive me, please". He stated. I can feel how sincere he is on his voice.