Chapter 116(Black)

"Why you kept quiet? You are amaze about how I sing. That's why I don't want to sing, you will be amazed?". I said joking. He look at me with no reaction for a second before he look at the road again. 

the highway is quite empty since its already night. You can also see the place, the roads filled with christmas light and there are more things that lighten the road. It's already bear months and I can feel now the christmas. 

That's the tradition of every Filipino that when the month of September hits, people will now prepare their christmas decorations to feel the spirit of christmas. In other country, they celebrate the christmas for only one day, here in our country which is Philippines, we celebrate it for four months. 

"Indeed. I am just amazed in your voice. it's so cold like the wind outside". He said. 

I let out a deep breath. I don't know what to say to him. I don't have a topic to speak up. I don't know how will our conversation flow.