Chapter 132

"I think faith are playing with us, don't you think?". He ask me while looking around. He is pertaining to the music playing. There more people getting here, most of them are students. 

"I think so. Should we play along or not?". I said in a sarcastic way. I know I should not talk like that in front of him but I am now hurt on what he said earlier. I know, at some part I have fault. I just...I don't know what to feel anymore. I hate this feeling. It can ruin my whole day. 

"I already go with the flow of our lives. I already did my part. If you did not see and appreciate that, it's not my fault anymore. I just did everything I can, its up to you if you will consider it a help or just nonsense". He said. I can feel how disappointed he is on me. On things happening between the two us. I know he is just stopping himself to shout at me since its not his passion. It's not in his vocabulary.