*Wakes up*. Yeah... I better sneaked out the window before they wake up.
*Pulls the window up*. Sorry, Mom and Dad, I have to do this. I have no choice left.
*Tears drop in my eyes*. Alright, where to? Ah… Yeah, to Broadway St. I might be late for the registration. I better walk fast.
*After 10 minutes of walking*. (Phew). That was a close call. Well, since I'm here I better sign up for the army.
Yeah... Feels to be serving my own country well I should be in this way. It is the only way I could spend my stinking life to a better life. I wonder how my Mom and Dad would react if they had read the letter. Flashes back to Mom and Dad as they read the letter:
Dear Mom and Dad.I am very sorry that I have to let go of myself and decided to serve my country. The truth is I don't who I was anymore or who I really am anymore. I keep saying everything is well but secretly something is not well. I do love you all Mom and Dad. Now watch me as I fight for my own country. It is something I can really be worth it for. Dad, you remember when you join the army and you are a US Veteran Soldier during 1987. Well Dad I might be looking up for you as I will serve my country like the way you treat this country good. And for Mom, the greatest queen of my life. I love you so much and I'll return back the care and love that you were giving me these past years and yet still you are the best mother of all time. I love you all. Love Jacob Pierson.
Yeah... I've already signed up for the US Army. I guess I should head myself to the army truck for the training. It feels weird that the truck's engine starting and it started to make me think that I am really a soldier. Well, it doesn't matter as long as I am really doing this since I don't have a choice in my life. This could help me find my way to think that my life is an important key. I maybe not a successful person but at least I did everything I could do even though if it bleeds me the most, leaving my friends behind, my family, my dreams, and mostly myself. Well, it doesn't matter anymore; I'm going to make my dream and fate by staying myself on my own, on my own feet.
While riding my way to the camp Well I feel so dizzy like I'm going to barfed a whole bunch of hamsters on my mouth. At least I have water I could drink. Drinks water (Sigh) This water I just drank taste awful. It must be from the faucet. Well at least I've not parched anymore and I feel better for some time.
I have a long way to go, long to way to breathe, and a long way to live. It made me think I'm really started to become a soldier at least for now. I needed that boost at least for some time. It's the least I can do for a while. Man, how long is this going to take me? Maybe it takes me a long year until I reached out to the age of 60 years old and above. (Sigh). Another man looking at him This man really stares me deeply like he is going to knock me out. I better watch out and avoid fighting so I can't get kicked out of the truck. Man talks with me in front of the sergeants. "How far is this going to take us to the camp?" said the man in front of him. "We'll be there as soon as possible. Be patient or you'll bail yourself in this truck" replied one of the sergeant. (Sigh). The army is an army and it is. Well how about I will sleep for a while until we arrived at the camp.