Episode Three

" Major, you have chosen to read him a story" Lieutenant colonel Jeba said.

" Ok, let's go Jama bedtime" Major Walma said.

Major Walma takes his nephew Jama home to read him a bedtime story with his first aunty in the room studying while her big brother, Major Walma is reading a bedtime story until their nephew fell asleep and Major Walma went back to the soire'e while his first baby sister, stays with Jama in the house. But when Major Walma returned to the soire'e something happened because he can see doctors and nurses with Luke and warm water and a bunch of soft towels, in the throne room.

" What's happening?" Major Walma questioned.

" Queen Andriea is giving birth, right now" Lieutenant colonel Jeba replied.

Three Hours Later

Everyone in the intergalactic kingdom of peace can see the special powerful symbol, appeared more brighter and powerful than ever and hears two cries coming from the throne room and the intergalactic forest. And the nurses runs into the ball room and tells them.

" It's a girl!" Said Nurse 1.

" It's a boy!" Said and cheered Nurse 2.

And the whole intergalactic kingdom of peace and the forest cheered and the celebration soire'e Continued for days to the birth of the new heir and heiress, being born on the day the special powerful symbol appeared. The celebration soire'e finished and the soldiers who lives in the intergalactic palace, goes to bed while the high rank commanders go home and the guests in the intergalactic kingdom of peace but, the allies have guest rooms to sleep.

" Goodnight, milday Lovia and congratulations" Said Man 3.

" Goodnight, everyone and thank you on behalf of me and Andriea" Said Lovia.

Everyone went home and then Lovia returned to the throne room and she can see king Christen sleeping on a blanket, in the throne room on the floor. Christen wakes up and sees Lovia sitting on the stairs and waves at Lovia but she is talking to the general about the birthday celebration for the new, Prince and Princess.

" Leave the birthday celebration preparations to Major Walma, and the special symbols" General Maxis said.

Lovia nods in agreement and leaves the throne room including Christen and there's something not right with general Maxis, after two years of talking to the king Walison and trying to stop the intergalactic Universal war due to so many lives on all sides were lost.

Main Royal Chambers

King Christen closed the door and he turned around he can see Andriea and the baby girl sleeping and when he was about to go to bed the baby starts crying, and Christen carefully picked the baby girl and the Lieutenant colonel opened the door quietly and Christen turned and can see him waiting for permission to enter with a message scroll.

" Enter, Lieutenant colonel" Said King Christen.

Lieutenant colonel enters and leaves the message scroll on the study desk and closes the door and king Christen opens the scroll and the door opens again, and it's Andriea looking for Christen and the baby girl. Andriea enters the study and Christen hands her the baby so he can read the message scroll and Major Walma walks into the, study and Queen Andriea hands him the princess and Major Walma takes her to her aunty's room while Queen Andriea is calming down Christen due to the message scroll and when Major Walma arrived at Lovia's room with the princess and Lovia opens the door of her room and Major Walma enters the room and hands the princess to her aunty, and leaves the room and Lovia closes the door and puts her in the coat with her cousin sleeping.

" Sweet dreams, you two" Said Lovia.

Kisses her niece and son softly on their foreheads and then went back to sleep and resetted the cry alarm for two hours, because her cousin will wake soon.

Main Royal Chambers/Study

King Christen is throwing stuff around the study and Major Walma enters and takes Andriea out of study to the throne room so her husband, can cool down and calm down and no-one can get hurt.

Throne Room

" You will be safe until morning if he has calm down" Said Major Walma.

" Thank you, Major Walma" Said Queen Andriea.

Major Walma leaves seven security guards inside and outside of the throne room and Lovia's room but he didn't tell her that he actually locked the door of the study, room without her knowing. Until she had a very curious face expression and the Major finally told her and he is hoping that he won't demoded to the rank of Lieutenant.

" Major, what did you do?" Queen Andriea asked.

" I locked the study room's door and windows, your majesty" Major Walma.

Queen Andriea tried to not to laugh and then the Major's face started to blush really red and the Lieutenant colonel entered and started to laugh out loud on the floor at his best friend's embarassed expression and then Lovia walks in, and sees the Lieutenant colonel and Queen Andriea laughing she looked up at the Major's face really blushing red then she is holding her laugh and then Jama looked in the throne room and sees the Queen, seventh special symbol and his second uncle laughing and he saw his first uncle's face and left the hallway and went to class in the children's study lesson room.

The Very Next Morning

" Good morning, general Max" Lieutenant said.

" Good morning, Lieutenant have you seen Queen Andriea and Lovia?" General Max Said and questioned.

Lieutenant shakes his head with respect.

" Sorry, sir I haven't I'm looking for the prince and princess because their lessons in an hour" Replied Lieutenant.

" Carry on" Said general Max.

Lieutenant went to the children's study lesson room and general Max entered the throne room and sees them still laughing while Walma sits on the, stairs leaning his hand and waved then general Max is scratching his head and puzzled.

" What are you doing? And why are laughing?" General Max puzzledly questioned.

Then the Lieutenant colonel started to get breath and sat up but Queen Andriea and Lovia is still laughing.

" Queen Andriea was laughing quietly and when I entered the throne room to find where the laughing, is coming from Major Walma looked at me with a really blushed red face and I couldn't help myself, sir" Lieutenant colonel replied.

General Max shakes his head and left the throne room including the Major left as well and they continued laughing and he Lieutenant colonel looks at them, then went outside and they stopped laughing because they nearly threw up from laughing to hard and too much.

Four Years Later

Princess Shella hugged her parents and Prince Volcoolis the second hugged his mother Lovia as Queen Andriea and King Christen headed for the ship with Lovia, and on their way to the destination the ship went down in the unknown sea that has been forbidden since the first life time before the special powerful symbol because the special powerful symbol, and everyone in the intergalactic kingdom of peace and forest had a funeral for Andriea, Christen and Lovia. Shella went to their study and entered the study and Volcoolis can see Shella crying and they start to hug.

" Lessons are over for three weeks" Said the teacher.

Prince Volcoolis nods in agreement and the teacher left the study, closes the door behind her so her cousin get her catched up on the lessons she missed of English, Science, Mathematics, and Languages.

Three Weeks Later

Shella and Volcoolis get out their books and Shella looks at Volcoolis because he is looking around the study for the teacher, until major Walma enters the study with a troubling face expression and Shella knew straight away but her cousin doesn't even get it about the troubling face expression, that the major has and looks back at Shella and she is crying.

" Your teachers for English, Mathematics, History are dead their bodies were found not long ago your highnesses" Said major Walma.

When Major Walma left the study Volcoolis looked at his cousin and they packed their books away and went to the throne room, to get taught by general Max for Maths, Yewa for History, special powerful symbol's presence for English and Languages.

Ten Years Later

Yewa opens Princess Shella's curtains and general Max opens prince Volcoolis's curtains and they get out of bed and got ready for their lessons and royal duties even studies, and then are upgrading their lessons from five to fourteen lessons per day. Meanwhile in the upgraded study prince Volcoolis is studying geography to measure the waves with science and marine and in the main royal study princess Shella, is doing her royal duties before her lessons and duties.

Upgraded Study

" Prince Volcoolis, it's maths time now" Said general Max.

" What about Shella?" Prince Volcoolis questioned.

" She's doing her royal studies first" General Max replied.

Main Royal Study

" Princess Shella, it's time for History" Said Yewa.

To Be Continued..