The Twins from the Other World

This world is mixed with another world… it ruins each world's original layout.

There are people who would disappear during the calamity… and there are people who would still exist during it… thus forming people from another world on another world. Gaia… Tellus… merged with one another… one disappear… one reappear… merged as one…

Heh, crap, confusing, FORGET IT!

It doesn't make sense. Well... since when this world has 'sense' to it?




"Where should I go first, eh?" Marco muttered.

"Oh, yeah... I gotta say my hellos to those sisters first!" he smiled highly and went out of his house, despite having met with a soul spirit beforehand. He walked around two minutes in order to reach his destination. Along the way, townsfolk greeted him as usual.

Finally, in front of him, stands a house. A set of words are engraved on the door; NINA & AILY. This house isn't actually belonged to them. They only rented it, and it has been for a year now.

"Nng?" Marco mumbled as he saw the house door isn't closed properly. "Heh-he!" A perilous thought slides through his mind. He's going to ram.

"Three... two..."

He prepped a small lightning magic on his feet. He says that it will create a 'stunning' show.



Marco blasts open the door in a speed of thunder shock. "GOOOOOOOOD MOOORNIIING!" he shouted as he entered.

"EEEEEEEEYAAAH!" A girl jumped backwards avoiding Marco's super speed that breached the door. Luckily, the door didn't break off.

"Maaarcoooo!!!!" She screamed.

"Sorry, sorry! I always get the thought of doing this everytime you forgot to close the door, Nina," Marco rubbed his head while smirking.

"Aaaah, now the front room is full of dust again!" Nina pouted.

"Ahahahahah! Don't worry, lemme help you sweep the floor again," Marco offered his help with care.

"The door will break apart if you use your lightning element over and over just to open it, Marco!" Nina stated.

"That door is metal-welded, you know? It won't break off easily," Marco waves his hand. "From when we arrive here until now, I can find sooo many odd things in this island. Today? The door!" Nina threw a broom onto Marco using her Wind Element.

"Ahahah, how a-door-able of you, Nina." Marco catches the broom and eventually started sweeping the floor together with her while humming like there's nothing bothering him.


"Aaand we're done, phew!" Marco wiped his forehead in relief. "Good," Nina replied smilingly.

"Where's Aily, by the way?" Marco asked. His eyes couldn't find her… not even with his mana-sensing or magic detection. Nina said that she went to the town's shed to pick up something.

"Okay, Imma go and see her," Marco puts the broom in the corner of the room and about to leave.

"Yeah, sure, oh, and one more thing," Nina stopped him just before he stepped away into the wilderness from the breach-opened door.

Marco looked to her face with a smile, "...what's that?"

"Don't. You. Shock. Her. Got it?!" She makes an upset face. Marco can only nod with reluctance. She knew he'll do the same thing to her younger sister. "Aaahahaha... s-sure!" Marco noted with an unassuming tone.

He went outside and closed the door firmly, "Phew, the door's still in one piece. I lied to her about the door being reinforced and all," he wiped his forehead, "it's just a normal wooden door… with a 'magic'. But glad she ate it all anyways, hahah," he laughed. He repositioned his red scarf that has white vertical stripes on it and set off to the shed.

The shed isn't far from Nina's house, though. It only takes three minutes of walking to reach there. Upon reaching the shed, Marco can see many townsfolk going in and out from that one-door building while carrying many things.

"Now... where's Aily...?" Marco then looked around the corners of the brick-stone shed filled with many pile of supply boxes. "Ah, there she is!" He spotted Aily picking something up.

"Hee-hee," he smirked as his mind plays its orchestra of delinquency once more, the same note when he was about to enter Nina's house.

"One, two, aaaand—

"I know you're there, Marco. You won't surprise me anymore...huh? He's not there...? I sensed his presence just now... Oh, well." Aily turned around at her goods again and—



Marco shocked her as she turned around. Aily reflexed with a deadly pound on the face but Marco managed to avoid it.

"Gotcha, Aily!" he said laughingly.

"M-Marco! Y-You startled me!" she clenched her fist onto her chest as she gasps. "Hehe, I'm sorry. It's kind of funny if I make a surprise to you like—

"QUIT DOING THAT, YOU DUMMY!" she shouted. Everyone in the shed was shocked.

"Hmph!" she looked away.

"Okay, okay. This is the LAST one. Not gonna do it again, I swear it. Okay? I'm sorry," Marco tries to persuade her.

"Are you really certain about that?" She asked him. "Indeed. A true gentleman will keep up his promise, right?" Marco smiled.

"...Okay... Promise me you're not gonna shock me again. I don't want to accidentally cast Level 3 Wind element at you," she conveyed.

Brief silence.

Marco then thoughts, "I literally forgot about Aily's magic oddity. She CAN cast Level 3 Wind element... by accident, that is. And by accident I mean she couldn't control the mana energy within the magic. Aily couldn't control a Level 3 Wind,"

"G-Got it, Aily," Marco yessed her shortly, "Soo... what kind of thing were you finding again?" he asked.

"Ng? Oh... it's this small sack of grain. Oh and don't worry, I can carry it myself," Aily smirked as she quickly grabs the sack of grain beneath her.

Marco thoughts again, "Who the hell's giving you a hand?"

Aily and Marco then walked together side-by-side back to her sister's house. Upon reaching her house, Aily greets her sister first hand, "Sister! I'm back!"

"Why, welcome back, Aily... and Marco," Nina welcomed the two with a smile. She's currently cooking something.

"Brrrr, I get the feeling she's a bit of distrust towards me about the 'shocking' part," Marco worried. Aily then comes near her sister and whispered to Nina, "gulp, please don't tell her about it, Aily, she's super scary when she's angry," Marco's sweat begin to fall like rain.

"…Oh. That's good to hear," She turned her head towards me, "Thank you for helping my sister, Marco," she okayed him.

Marco thoughts once more, "Haaah? I'm sorry, what?" he quickly shifts his sight upon Aily, which is currently beside Nina. She glares at him and winks her right eye while sticking her tongue out a little. "W-What was that supposed to mean?! Okay-okay, play it cool, Marco, play it cool," he thought.

"Oh... yeah, n-no p-p-problem, eheheheheh..." said Marco.

"WHAT KIND OF STUTTERING I'M MAKING THERE?!?! Shoot, I'm getting panicked! She will not let this weird line slide away, I'm sure of it!" Marco tried to look away in distress. He felt like his last line was extremely made up. He worries that Nina will find out.

"You two have grown soo close to each other, eh?" Nina caressed her cheek.

"Eh? What the…?" Marco thought to himself as he hears Nina's words.

"What are you talking about, sis? It's been a year since we live here, so it's normal if we get to know everyone else," said Aily adorably.

"You got a point there, my li'l sister," Nina replied smilingly.

"Hehe… ehehehehe… Aily... you literally baited your sister away from me, aren't ya? MANY THANKS!" He lifted his hand showing OK gesture.

When Nina moves into the kitchen, Aily glanced at me and quickly lifts her thumbs up like "I gotchu, man,"

"Truly, these two girls..." I thought.

"Nina Meridia, 19 years old, while her sister, Aily Meridia, 14 years old. They moved here to Areda around a year ago using the same Mariner's Ship that usually docks here at Areda. I'm one of the passengers aboard that ship along with Scias Trophe. It was just two weeks since the Dimensional Impact occurs. All of us Aredanian explorers are deported back to our island due to the kingdom we stopped by couldn't guarantee our safety in the current condition,"

"During the voyage, it was an intense ride where storm falls struck the water and tidal waves smashed the bow of the ship. When we're going up against a 17 meter tall wave, a young girl about my age screamed. I was holding onto a mast that time, when I looked downwards as the ship pitched up towards the wave, that's when I saw Nina and her sister Aily. Nina used her wind magic to lift up to the higher ground, but Aily was unable to control it properly, making her fell onto a tied-up barrels head first. I jumped off the mast and absorbed a lightning strike from the stormy sky to move in an instant to save her. I used the Level 1 Lightning,"

Thunder Step.

"…I made it in time. I caught her before she hit her head onto the metal coverings of the tied-up barrels."

"She was so scared that time, her sister was scared too. It's a risky attempt for me to be honest, the fact that if no lightning struck directly above the ship... I might be unable to save her."

"Thunder Step depends greatly on mana energy, the greater I use my mana energy, the faster I could move. But if I absorb lightning strikes directly, and channeled its energy as a fuel. I could use maximum energy from this skill and move in a speed of light although recently just by tapping my thighs will be quite stable, though… anyway,"

"Both of them being so thankful to me even till this day, even though I said not to praise me highly..."


"Nina has a yellow-bright straight hair elaborately dressed with ribbons headband. She has a proficiency in healing magic. She uses her wooden priest-like staff that has an orb that has a propeller like motif as her main arsenal. Talking about magic, she's roughly around Level 3 Wind magic and Level 5 healing magic.

Aily has the same hair color as her sister's, long-haired as well but has a wobbly appearance. I like her style the most, though, heheh. Anyway, although Aily doesn't have complete control over her wind element, she is categorized as Level 2 Wind magic. She's mainly focused on her support magic which has reached Level 4 by now. Aily uses a scepter in battle that has a crab-like claw appearance on the top of the scepter with an orb atop of it.

Both of them… came from a different world… of course, Tellus. Unlike Marco and Scias, whose origins were the world of Gaia. Scias and I agreed not to talk too much about that to not offend them in an unwanted way."

With that, Marco ends his thoughts about the two and smiled in the end.



Little did Marco know... that Aily has a deep respect for him, the fact that Marco saved her skin back then never steps away from her mind, she can never say thank you enough to him.