A Messy Mess

Who would think that I'd still be talking during the first parts of this story?

That's because… I don't know. Ask the writer.


The three sat down near Sir Barts to listen to his story. The knight took a short breather before speaking.

"Bah… I just received a message that two groups of soldier consisting of six medium-class soldiers got back here... heavily damaged. And hell… it's true," he explained with a rather disbelief tone.

"Seriously, man?" Marco asked him to be real. He believed that the Aredanians are top-tier when it comes to military strength. "There's no way Aredanian Soldiers would fall easily," Marco stated.

"It was not a mere monster that they fought, Marco," Sir Barts stated seriously. "How am I supposed to put it… there is a single creature in the depths of this forest that became one of many signatures of protection of this island. That creature... is the only living minotaurus here," The knight explained.

"A minotaurus?" Aily wondered. "Yes. And that Minotaur is not any simple Minotaur race like you might've seen in the mainland!" Sir Barts confirmed.

Marco's eyebrows went up, a surprise to him. "Heh… you explorers know it better than anyone else," the knight added.

"The only living minotaurus in this island... y-you can't be saying that the 'Green Minotaur' is the culprit, right?!" Marco swayed his hands a bit.

"Unfortunately, it is him, Marco. There's proof," Sir Barts stated with a disappointment. "I don't know what's going on with him, but most of us saw him casting his elemental spell and slaughtered many animals in the forest. Even I had sight of him doing so as well," he added confirming.

Sir Barts takes a sip from his glass of plain water before continuing. *GULP*

"Ah… ten hunters went missing in the forest yesterday, only to be found dead by the Knight Captain's group and mine,"

"That's a slaughterhouse is it not?" Nina scrunched her eyebrows, she turned serious. "Heh… apparently, so, lady," the knight replied in pity. He then continues:

"We decided to make investigations but we were trenched by the Minotaur. It all happened too quickly. That forsaken Green Minotaur threw his irradiated emerald axes at us, killing several of us in quick session," Sir Barts gashed his teeth roughly. "We were forced to retreat. None of us can retrieve the dead, grrrgh…"

"The Green Minotaur... Ordan," Marco disclosed.

"That's right," Sir Barts replied quickly, "Ordan, a two meter beast that could talk to people and cast elemental magic spells. At first he posed as a powerful creature that supported us and other living creatures in the forest by protecting them..." Sir Barts pauses for a moment.

Marco, Nina, and Aily couldn't imagine the horror that Sir Barts experienced in there. His elite soldiers were slayed by Ordan. "It must've been a hard blow to him…" Marco thought.

"But wait… the mercenary whistle a few while ago, don't say that's a call for backup!" said Marco worrying.

"That's right. Mercenaries are asked to assist the Knight Captain soldiers in hunting down the beast," The knight confirmed.

"You guys are going to hunt him down?!" Marco nearly shouted.

"Indeed. Ordan is no longer an ally… and we must kill him to secure safety to all Aredanians once again!" Sir Barts smacked his porcelain glass onto the table, shocking everyone inside the PUB.

"That's just ironic…" Nina stated.

"Indeed, it's an irony... IRONY, heh… one of our protectors backstabbed us... 'tis but an unbelievable thing," Sir Barts raised his voice while covering his face with both of his hands with the elbow resting on the table.

Marco, Nina, and Aily grieved over what they heard. The town isn't safe with the Minotaur acting all hostile. What makes matter worse, Scias Trophe joined along the mercenaries and the Knight Captain's group to slay Ordan. Marco worries over his rigid friend. He knew that he must do something to prevent his friend's demise.

"I must do something, quick," That's what he thought, "Nina, Aily, we must save Scias! He's along the mercenaries team that was summoned a few while ago!" he stated to the twins.

"Without being told, I'm with you, Marco!" Aily spiritedly accepted.

"That's my li'l sister!" Nina praised her little sister. "Marco, let's go to the forest as well! I can help heal the injured with my healing magic while Aily casts defensive magic for the battlers," she explained.

"Perfecto! Then let's get going! We might have some time to backup Scias right away!" Marco persuaded. "We'll be right back, Sir Barts—

"STOP IT, YOU!" Sir Barts shouted loudly at them.

"Do you have any idea what you're up against? I approve thy strengths in magic, exploring, and all! The same said for you two ladies, too. But still, explorers shouldn't bother bolstering the defense, it's better you barricade your own home instead of risking your life!" he conveyed seriously.

The knight has a point. Explorers in Areda are limited, even with the number of five hundred explorers. It's because every each of them has their own unique traits and skills. Losing one means a terrible loss for the entire island, Marco realizes that for sure.

"I understand your concern, Sir Barts. But my friend is a mercenary and an explorer! He is my precious partner in exploring the outer world, sir. I can't lose him," Marco tried to persuade with Sir Barts.

For a while, Sir Barts briefly scratched the back of his head with his left hand while his right arm resting on the table.

Sir Barts sighs long, "Dammit all. Your friend has a tendency to switch between jobs, huh?"

"It's his nature, after all." Marco nodded firmly.

"Bah... as what the trope used in town says, 'Explorer's life is a gold' which means every single explorer's life is important," The knight stated.

"Then, you'll let us go?" Aily asked while hiding behind Marco's back.

"I have little to no authority toward explorers... go on, save your partner, if that's what you want to do," Sir Barts leaned back.

"But please... Don't. Die. Recklessly. The forest labyrinth is filled with many animals, the same said for monsters like slimes, orcs, bats, and rats. Please arm yourself well before heading there," Sir Barts stands up and left the PUB. His group is waiting for him just outside. "With all luck, I pray for thy safety," he waved his hands farewell.

Marco remembered Sir Barts has seven men on his group. Now it's only three left.