
Unstable Mana Energy

What defines an unstable state? Technically, anything that has a high risk of getting out of control. Mana energy can get… unstable.

…even mine, too.


"Huff... hah... huff... can we... huff... rest for a while?" Aily asked her sister in a tired motion.

"Oh? You're tired already?" Nina stopped and turned at her.

"Well, what do you think I'm wearing right now?" Aily pouted.

"Ahahah, okay, okay. Let's stop for now," her sister accepted. "Besides, we're on the top already, tee-hee," she added.

The two finally reached the top of the mountain. The summit isn't that high above the ground, though. The visible road going up isn't too steep and is still possible to go both on foot and vehicle. But it's a different story if you're wearing armor, a heavy one, that is.

Aily dropped herself on the ground and lie down on the grassy ground. "Sister… can you use your magic to remove my fatigue?"

"How cute, healing magic spells weren't capable of doing that, you know?" Nina replied smilingly.

"Ngah…! That's too bad," said Aily pouted.

The two then talked a bit about the view into the sea. The weather is excellent now: a breeze blows constantly, pretty well for wind magic usage. After getting rested up for an hour straight, the two then began their training again.

"Okay, let's start with something simple," Nina picked her cane.

"Okie-dokie, spill it, sis!" Aily returned eager once again.

"Ehehe, let's go back downhill," said Nina with a smirk.

In an instance, Aily's eagerness and spirit went below zero.

"I'm s-sorry?" Aily thought she misheard her.

"As I told ya, let's go down~" Nina then walked down the road first.

Having no choice Aily cannot do anything else but to follow her anyway. She doesn't want her to be mad again. Aily thinks that her sister is scary when she's angry. "Aw… sister… why can't you give me simple task, ahhh….!" She rambled relentlessly.

"Grrraaah!" Aily yelled to herself while stretching her arms into the air. "Come on, fight, fight, fight! Keep on spirit, ME!" She told herself over and over while going down following her sister.

After reaching the feet of the mountain, Nina compliments her sister, "Good girl! *pat* *pat* Now let's go back up!" she stated highly.

"Guhack?!" Aily went agape shockingly.

"Come on, follow your sister, Aily~!" Nina waved her hand at Aily as she moves again.

Trembling in her shoes, Aily then unleashes her smashing retort, "AAAAAWWW COME ON!"

…but then again, Aily had no choice but to follow her order anyway. She then jogged up and down the road repeatedly for seven times. Every time the two reached the top, they will rest for twenty minutes before continuing. Even with periodical break time, Aily still suffer insane exhaustion from the seemingly odd training Nina gave her, not to mention they had to fight weak to medium monsters along the way.

Aily throws a tantrum every time her sister overworked her. Little did she know that her sister's training was increasing her physical strength significantly, while she neglected the attention her sister gave to her.

Hours has passed, day after day the two trained. Aily's tantrum became benign as they reached the second week of training. Nina gave some 'motivational' words that made Aily became obedient to her.

…and thus their training… lasted for two months.

Today, the weather's clear with some scattered clouds in the sky. "Hm… a wind elementalist like me training another elementalist won't be a trouble for me. Besides, the one's I'm training is my sister. I didn't dislike training her, instead, I feel happy. To know that she finally realized her weaknesses and decided to expand her power... made me glad," Nina thought to herself as she and Aily walk onto the mountain again.

"Alright, Aily. Let's go up again,"

"Yes, ma'am!" Aily excitedly accepted.

Upon reaching the summit, Nina sighed a bit and sat on a tree stump with her legs stretched and crossed. She puts her cane on her lap.

"So next… we'll go down, right? Right?" Aily wondrously asked. She didn't feel tired as her relentless training made her physical strength greater than before.

"Whew... she's so spirited today. How cute," said Nina in her mind, she felt glad to see her acting like that.

"Today's going to be different," Nina stated smilingly.

"Huh? What do you mean different? Wait, don't say I've to crawl down there!" Aily pouted.

Nina then grinned a bit. She stretched her hand forward and casted a large green magic circle.

"Aily, try casting a basic wind element now," she asked her.

Shortly, Aily's excitement nearly turned into euphoria. She felt extremely happy when her sister finally shifts their training into magic usage. Well, Aily's intention of training was to train her magic instead of physical training.

Without asking, she quickly went to the middle and aimed her scepter up high into the clear skies and then casted:



"WHOA!" Aily got knocked back after seeing her own wind magic blasted off and caused a rockslide on the edges of the mountain because of the back-blast. Nina's eyes shrunk as she got surprised at what she saw.

"S-Sister!" Aily glanced at Nina. "D-Did you see t-that? I only casted a basic magic like you told me to!"

Nina stood up from the stump she sat on. "A…Amazing…!" so she says amazedly. Nina knows that the output of her training will be impactful. But she never thought that it will be this insane.

"Look up there, Aily…" Nina pointed up high. "The clouds were pushed away, Aily." Nina said as she pointed at the skewered clouds with unfathomable eyes. Nina in her thoughts felt a sudden tingle. She didn't say it at all, but in her heart she said it all out... "Could it be… Aily's mana energy was incredibly… unstable?"

Meanwhile... near the northeastern coastline...

"Uh-huh... hm. Hm. That's right. Threat? No, not at all, those folks managed to slay that impudent beast," A man wearing a gray fedora and a mask, holding his right hand onto his right side of his head, he's touching his right ear with his index and middle finger while the others are clenched.

"Hoh... izzatso? Alright, then. I'll get myself outta here... but I'll stick around for a moment... hm. Hm. Right... Yeah... much obliged. Later."

Contact End.

"Sigh... what is the function of me being here? These folks dealt with that beast before I could do any investigation," the man muttered. "Well... it's better off that way, though... because I... Queaz... don't really want to go on high profile,"

He then noticed something as he looked up into the sky where the clouds were holed. "Hoh… was there a bomb explosion…?" he wondered. "Oh, well… these islanders had quite the power, though. I guess it won't be a surprise if there's a hole