
The Invader's Menace

What categorizes YOU to be called as menacing?

Try watching some flamboyant-overly-buffed shows.


On the seaside, there are many metal-reinforced wooden ships. They fly the gray flag that has the symbol resembling the legendary sea creature, the Kraken.

Eight man o' war class battleships. Five more ships about a size of a galleon armed with six big mortars each and one more ship that differs from the others, their flagship.

"My prince, here's the report of our invasion force so far—

"Why do I have to read it myself, ah? Read it for me."

"I see... as you wish, my lord."

The prince's aide began informing the report.

"Five hundred men had been dispatched onto their land, with another five hundred more still aboard our armada for backup strategy. Minimum resistance at first, but now we're facing around more than a hundred soldiers that immobilized our move. Even so, our forces still got the upper hand, with the support of our battleships and mortars, we will, without any doubt capture this island. End of the report, my lord."

The prince held his hand beneath his chin clenched. "Hmph. How mundane. I've read about many myths and legends of this island being filled with many powerful magicians and rich of sorcery… now I'm here, only seeing ants and fleas being stomped by our forces."

"Even our mages weren't too necessary in this mission," the prince added.

"I'd like to ask, if I may, my lord..." said the aide. "Hm, permitted," the prince nodded.

"Is there a reason for exterminating the entirety of the island's inhabitants, my lord?" asked the aide seriously.

"I don't need primitive pests lurking in my later region. Such question that has obvious answers... or were you questioning my rule?" the prince asked unkindly.

"Of course not, my lord, pardon my previous question," The aide kneeled.

"Only the strongest and the fittest can live, not a single weak being is allowed to live inside my territory, let alone breathe the air," said the prince arrogantly.

"Indeed, you've led our kingdom, Fortis, into the greatest glory that no other kingdom could achieve, Prince Dictum," said the aide gloriously. "We shall become the top in our world of Tellus, and Gaia soon after!"



One hour later, Dictum could hardly wait. He got suspicious about the invasion force that didn't send anymore reports to him. "Get me a monocular scope this instant!" he commanded harshly.

Five seconds, one of his men brought him the tool. Then, he used it to zoom in and see what's going on inland.

"H-HUH?! W-What the—EVERYONE GET DOWN, NOW!" The prince quickly commanded everyone to get down. His loud voice can be heard throughout the entire armada via mana energy usage.

A second later, a deafening sound shatters the atmosphere around them. A flash suddenly breaks in, going past him in an instant into four of his ships, sinking them almost instantly.

A few minutes later, everyone turned their heads back up. Prince Dictum spotted the flash from earlier lasers down his vessels. He then used his scope to look for any possible survivor, but to no avail. He then noticed many flashes on the eastern coastline. He then issues an attack order in rage.

"Grr...! Send our mage forces inland, NOW!" he commanded loudly.



One hour earlier...

Marco was injured by the Fortis' cannon shot along with Aily. Gladly, Nina healed them before anything goes darker. Previously, the cannonball was deflected by Marco thanks to Aily's Ironclad spell on everyone. But somehow Marco still receives burn damage from knocking the projectile away.

"Ironclad couldn't nullify the cannonball's damage...they're infused with magic. Fire magic," so said Aily slightly stressed.

"I-Infused?" Nina got shocked. "Y-Yes… that's why my Ironclad spell doesn't work well. That magic was meant to prevent physical damage, not magical," Aily replied.

"W-What should we do, now…? My magic doesn't work~" Aily wailed.

"That… hah… doesn't matter… hah," Marco said gaspingly. "Even if it's ineffective, that doesn't mean we must stop here. Let's get going, NOW! Through there, there's a low ground we can use to avoid their shot!" Marco pointed out.

The party then carried on quickly to the tower through the path Marco showed. They must not lose any time, lest get caught in the next wave of salvo. Scias carried Aily like a princess while Marco and Nina ran hurriedly behind them.

Several times they must make a quick maneuver to avoid the direction of the cannon's fire. Success, they reached the vicinity of the tower's barrier. The cannons are no longer able to hit them.

The guards welcomed them in and showed them to the infirmary. Aily was tremendously shocked from getting hit by the cannonball explosion. It appears that she won't be joining in the later fights.

Marco sits on the chair in the infirmary. Aily lies down on the bed accompanied by her sister sitting beside her, while Scias stands near Marco like a hat rack. Nina then showed a face of glum.

"Nina…" Scias suddenly approached. "I… I'm sorry," he said softly.

"No need to say sorry, Scias," Nina stated coldly. She was upset by his actions previously. She turned her head towards the tall man, "I despise your actions. You prevented me from saving my sister!" she added angrily.

"…but in the same time… if you didn't stop me… those barrage of cannonballs above me might've grinded me to death," she lowered her voice and scrunched her face sadly.

"N-Nina…" Scias said softly. "That's why… you don't have to say sorry. No… you mustn't say any apology. You are not wrong," said Nina as she shed tears slightly.

"…I see. I understand," Scias replied short.

From outside, a fully armored guy passes by but stopped as soon as he spotted Marco and the others in the infirmary. "Marco?"

"Huh?" Marco glanced at the armored guy. "Sir Barts!" Marco said in exclamation.

"Thank god you and your friends are alive," said Sir Barts sincerely. "I thought you people are goners,"

"Heheh, we're not that easy to be beaten, j'know?" Marco smiled at the knight. "…well, we did cross some deathly situation, though…" he said in his mind. "I'm glad to hear that, Marco," said Sir Barts thankfully.

"S-Sir Barts…" Scias called. "…who attacked us…?" he asked softly. "An unwanted incomer, the kingdom of Fortis," Sir Barts disclosed seriously.

"F-Fortis?!" Nina quickly glanced at him. "Miss Nina… Miss Aily… are you alright?" Sir Barts then asked as he spotted her tears running down. "I'm fine… but Aily's not," said Nina as she wipes her tears off.

"I see… I'm sorry to hear that," Sir Barts stated politely. "…why did Fortis attack us?" Nina asked with a fervently seriousness. "I'm not so sure. Our island was quite concealed. But gotta give them credit for passing the sea safely," Sir Barts replied.

"But if there's one obvious reason, that would be expansion. I did hear some rumors of Fortis Kingdom willing to expand their region. But didn't expect that they're expanding using these methods," Sir Barts explained thoroughly.

"S-Sir Barts…" Aily suddenly forces herself to get up. "Aily, don't force yourself, just rest!" Nina ordered her sister to stay down. Sir Barts himself was curious so he comes near her to listen what she had to say. He bowed down a little and holds her hand, "I'm here, Miss Aily,"

"Sir Barts… I… must tell this to you," Aily then explains about the magically infused cannonball that was kept fired inland. Sir Barts was extremely shocked to hear her explanation. He didn't expect the Fortis Kingdom had such heights in magic.

"I understand. This is very useful information, Miss Aily. I swear your pain won't be in vain," said Sir Barts as he rose back up and saluted her.

"Contact," Sir Barts called out his superiors. He then relays the information he had to every commander in the island, including the king. Sir Barts then bids farewell and left off.



An hour later, Aily's trauma has been reconciled. But her hands are still shivering. Of course, inside a warring battlefield is not good for a 14-year-old girl's psyche. Marco and Scias talked a bit about the Fortis, in which they're told by Nina, that Fortis is originally from Nina and Aily's world, Tellus. Marco nudges himself as he finally realized why he never knew about that kingdom. Amidst of their discovery, Sir Barts returned to the infirmary.

"The king has decided," said Sir Barts seriously. His face reflects of a person that has gone through a hectic work. "He'll be using 'that' as a counterattack?" Marco asked. Aily then remembered Scias saying 'a literal superweapon'. Both she and Nina are curious about the superweapon in mention.

"A diversion, to be precise," said Sir Barts. "Hah? Are you serious? That's one mega-power and they're gonna use it as diversion?" Marco exaggeratedly asked.

"Yes," said Sir Barts undoubtedly. "Why?" Marco asked again. "There's another way of 'exterminating' the invaders. Somebody must go to the lighthouse in Seaside Port," Sir Barts seriously answered.

"You can't mean 'that' thing, right?" Marco reassures. "That's true. It's 'that' thing. That's why I'm here," he replied. "Seriously, you want me to go there?" asked Marco unwillingly. "I know you're tired, but you remember it, right? Only you that can activate—

"—yeah, yeah, I know the old saying," Marco cuts short in a piqued expression. "…only a person from the Istinggar clan can activate them, that it?"

"…yes," Sir Barts agreed. "Dammit, man… how am I going to reach there without getting scratched by the cannons?" Marco asked again. "Ah, about that, we've prepared a teleportation module that connects with the one in Seaside Port. The Knight Captain there had reactivated the console, so now it's usable," Sir Barts explained.

"I have one condition, tho," said Marco.

"Spill it,"

"Allow Scias in this mission. That's it," so said Marco. "U-Uh," Scias nodded slightly.

"Granted, then I will prepare things for you two. Come along,"

The two then followed the knight, but before exiting the infirmary, Nina calls out, "Hey, you two!"

Marco and Scias glanced at her, "…please come back alive," said Nina sincerely. "Yeah… I won't forgive you if you're gone," Aily added.

Marco then flies a smile in his face and says: "Yeah! Leave it to us, we'll be right back. And when we're back… let us have the BEST breakfast," so said Marco smilingly.

Nina and Aily smiled back at him, "We'll pray for your safety."

Marco and Scias followed Sir Barts into an armory. He said that the two were offered to use whatever necessary for them in their journey. Marco picked two modernized Aredanian pistols and an aviator goggles while Scias picked a bunch of healing items.

Suddenly, the ground trembles…

"…it has begun!" said Sir Barts.



A few moments later, everyone got shocked by a sudden loud noise coming from the top of the tower. From those who were outside, they can see a huge sphere of light. It's from the top of the tower! The dome is opening up!

Beneath the dome, rests an orb. That orb shines brightly, then a large laser shoots out into the sky for a short time before it fades off, the glow got brighter and shrouded the back of the tower in shadows hence of its insane brightness.


A deafening sound shocked everyone on the island. It's so loud that even covering their ears won't really help.

One second later, a gigantic laser is fired from the orb into four of the ships. Destroying them in the rinse of brightness and it ended with the ship sinking into the ocean floor. Anyone aboard that ship is nothing but dust.

The battle froze briefly.

Inside the Areda Tower...

It was the king's magic that caused an insane shattering noise and blinding shine across the island and its surroundings. The 'king' is extremely exhausted from giving a large amount of mana energy to the orb.


…Marco Istinggar…

…I leave the rest to you…

…Don't… let us down… save our land…!"