
Wille des Windes

"…'tis form allows me to use my trump card!" Zeugen stated with an overly proud face.


Marco and Sean watches him spread out his arms. "Vat dost thou thinkst of 'tis form?" Zeugen unexpectedly asked.

"Huh?" both Marco and Sean confused. "We Dragonians have 'tis transformation to quickly cope with thy humans, either social or battle. That's why, it ist an admirable skill of ours."

"What the hell is he talking about?" Sean felt irritated.

"I dunno, he's gotta be insane." Marco replied. "Well, he's insane from the start, anyway…" Sean retorted. "But if he gave us a chance about how his human form looks, shouldn't we be using it to gather any possible info about his power level?"

"Yeah, you're right. Let's see how powerful he is!"

The two used mana sensing ability to calculate the Dragonian's strength. Zeugen's mana energy is far more stable in this form, which can be sensed where his mana energy gives a very calm aura around him. Zeugen in his dragon form, however, emits sharp energy that intimidates those who have a weak of heart. In his human form, he lost that intimidating aura plus his overwhelmingly strong magic energy replaced with lower magic level in order to maintain his human form.

Marco thought that Zeugen would appear as a villainous brute that will crush their hopes of defeating him… but in contrary, Zeugen appeared as a pink haired retard that wears armor and grins all the time.

"He's really proud of being like that, huh?" said Marco. "Moreover, the hell's with that form, anyway? It's very different in terms of characteristics with his dragon form…"

"Gah, dost thou not knowest how to appreciate others? Vell, never mind, for I shalt eliminate zee, once and for all!"

Zeugen casts a magic circle beneath him, thus making his aura visible. In retaliation, Marco and Sean do the same and prepared to fight him unarmed. "I doubt he will use a weapon. He will use elemental spells, too like how he did in his dragon form," Sean guessed. "Heh, imagine if he did not," Marco retorted.

"Enough already, the sun's rising up, we must defeat this bastard now!"

"Prepare thyselves!" Zeugen yelled while showing a wide grin on his face. Marco taps his thighs and casts Thunder Step, lighting his legs all the way to the toes in lightning sparkles. Sean had to fight unarmed, relying his tough armor to bash his opponent.

"Let's go!"

Marco instantly zaps forth and stops in front of the Dragonian, launching an unprecedented punch in his face. "BUGEERGH!" Zeugen's magic cancels as he got knocked far. Marco didn't give him any chance to react.

"Bergh… you canst not play fairly, ja? Then…" said Zeugen while recovering from the blunt attack Marco gave. He then stances and yells out loud, "…I shalt play thy game… as WELL!" he boosts himself into countering the explorer's attack in a high speed. Amidst the boost, he pulls his right arm backwards and casts,

"Fight Mode… Wind Sheer Blast!" the air gathers around his fist infinitely, as air is unlimited in the earth. "Heeeaaaa!"

"Oh, shi—Thunder Step!" Marco quickly counters and taps his thighs again. He blasted away from the dragon's direction and into the sky he goes. Zeugen reacted and stops instantly with his iron boots while releasing the gathering air on his fist, causing a blast of wind in front of him. "Hee! Phew, that was too close!" said Marco gladding his timing.

"Holy Spears!" Sean casted in secret, but soon noticed by Zeugen. The light spears launched at him, but he managed to dodge them all easily. "Tsk, damnations, he's hard to hit in his human form," Sean muttered.

Suddenly, he noticed Zeugen, approaching him insanely fast with hands clenched forth, "Ng? What the—GRRGH!" Sean got punched in the chest and flung off. "Kh… that's fast… too fast!" said Sean to himself while midair.

"Sean!" Marco yells out. The vanguard lands with both of his foot roughly. "I'm fine, here." He answered the explorer's call.

"…Are you sure about zat?! HM!" Zeugen lands another strike without Sean noticing it. Luckily, Sean managed to pull himself and avoided his punch. Even so, the afterward effects was still damaging him.

Every single time Zeugen lands a punch either hit or not will cause a massive repulsion to where his fist is heading. "What's ze matter? Aren't you going to defeat me quickly?" he taunted. He still flies that grin in his face.

"Grrr… how annoying," Sean lashes out. "Arrows of Light!" Sean gave his maximum amount of eight missiles. They emerged and launches off into the Dragonian.

"Harharhar! Those arrows won't do any damage to me!" Zeugen taunted. He then meticulously deflected every incoming arrow with his Wind Sheer Blast, destroying every one of them.

"No… they're not supposed to harm you…"

"Vat?!" Zeugen retorted as he accomplishes fending off Sean's magic. Zeugen looked upwards and realized he did a mistake, "Hmpf?!" he quickly crosses his arms above his head, realizing that a hundred arrows are above him as a result of his destructive wind.

"…they're meant to split up… and hold you still!" Sean then moves his hand downwards, ordering those arrows to rain down on the unfortunate Dragonian. Indeed, as Sean stated, Zeugen was not damaged, instead it made him unable to move.

"Scheisse!" Zeugen swore loudly. "Take him down, now, MARCO!" Sean shouted out loud.

Almost instantly, Marco charges in the speed of light with his boots bright in thunder, he had activated the Thunder Step. He rotates around the dragon in quick move. In slow motion perspective, he draws his gun and aimed at the steam dragon.

"Gun Skill – Quadruple Shot!"


Four bullets hit the dragon accurately, despite being shot from a great speed. Zeugen tried casting Windforce to the ground, mysteriously.

Marco slows down slowly. He halts not far from the vanguard. Sean, however, felt odd lately. The Dragonian succumbs to the same pattern of attack over and over again. Even in his human form, he still falls to the same trick again and again, in which Sean thought will fail if he did it again.

As the dust settles, Zeugen still grins even after being shot. "I canst not believe 'tis… thy bullets hadst mana energy in it. No wonder mine armor couldst not withstand thy shot."

"What now, Sean?" Marco asked. "…We cannot do anything to him if we use magic, Marco… we must resort to physical attack." Sean replied.

"Then let's go all out on him," Marco grinned the same way as Zeugen did. "Hng?! Marco, look out!"


"Aaaaaah!" Marco was sent flying away by a vortex of wind. From his body can be seen steaming. "Those smokes… steam blast?!" Sean thought in his mind. He gashes out and turns his gaze upon the dragon, only to realize he's already coming in hot. Zeugen bashes the vanguard, this time, Zeugen lit up the wind with his trademark steam heat, making the damage much more painful.

"HaaaAA!" Sean counters his attack by sending him a barrage of punches and kicks, but Zeugen quickly deflects every physical strike landed at him. "He's faster than before!" said Sean in his heart.

Zeugen finally turned serious.

Unknown to the vanguard, the Dragonian casted a wind spell through his right fist, "Jetblast Windforce!" Zeugen rams the wind with his fist into Sean.


Sean flies away in an instant. The heat produced by his windforce was no joke. It's as hot as a geyser. He quickly changes state into defense. Sean crosses his arms in front of him and had his eyes closed. He then sensed a massive mana energy approaching at him in high speed. As he opens his eyes, he was shocked that Zeugen has been in front of him with both of his arms covered in swirling steam wind.

"COME ON! COME ON! COME ON!" Zeugen rapidly punches the vanguard with both hands. "What's ze matter?! Aren't zee the great Holy Elementalist?!" Zeugen yelled out. He proceeds to kick the vanguard in the stomach, sending him flying again.

"Uhack!" Sean gurgles out blood from his mouth after severe barrage of punch landed on him. His armor wrecks in many parts, his skin is scalding by the heat. He then crashes into a dead tree, destroying it afterwards. "What the hell…?! Why he's suddenly so powerful? Hng?!" as he thought about it, Zeugen had approached him fast.

"FU—GRKH!" Sean got knocked again by the Dragonian. He had no chance to react. Zeugen was incredibly fast!

"Dammit… my landing spot was never a cushion…" Sean wept. He crashed into a tree, breaking his left arm pad.

"Oh? Art thou finished?" Zeugen asked in a provoking way. He grabs the vanguard's collars and lifted him, "Surrender, and I shalt gave zee a painless deat—

"SEAN!" Marco suddenly appears from nowhere and bashes the Dragonian successfully, bouncing him off. Marco's arrival saved Sean from being mauled further by the Dragonian, however, he was a tad late as Sean was badly injured already.

"Where were you, asshole?" he asked roughly. "I'm so sorry, mate." Marco apologized for his lateness while checking his ally's injuries. "Ah, forget it. Good thing you arrived, or else I will be crushed into bits and turned into Steamed Human Beef."

"That's dark as heck, dude. Anyway, take this and rest." Marco gave him a bottle of potion. "That is my last bottle. Make good use of it, Sean."

"Wait, what about you?"

"I'll be fine."

"That dragon seriously fights now. He arms his limbs with those swirling steam… every time he hit me, a burst of wind will send me flying," Sean explained. "Just… don't get into his range of attack… and you're safe." He added.

"I got it." Marco was about to leave. "Wa-wait, you're seriously going to fight him on your own?!"


"He's crazy powerful, you know?!"

"I know. Trust me. I'll beat him."

Marco's gaze appears confidently. Sean watches this and believes that he had a plan to beat the dragon. "Tsk, don't force yourself." Sean gashed. Marco nods and heads into the place where the dragon crashed.

"Thoust strength und energy art powerful, but it was just coincidental and lucky. Next time, ze wouldn't share the same fortune." Zeugen threatened. He stances again followed by Marco.

The sun is already above the horizon. Marco knew he must defeat him in this very fight right now, or else the tough monsters will make them their dinner.

And so the battle begins!

Marco secretly chants and casts a yellow magic circle that flashes out in thundering jolts of electricity, making his hair austere and his eyes flashes out in yellow. Zeugen excretes mist and gathers them around his arms, forming gauntlets of steam wind.

In Marco's mind, he thoughts, "…if Dragonians can channel their elemental energy to their hands and cause devastating results… that means we humans can too! I must use Shocker Hands and expand its effectiveness!"

Zeugen strikes first at Marco, landing a blow into him. Marco's reflex was a bit slow, causing him to receive minor scratches on his arms while he avoids the attack. Marco then pats his thighs and blasted away with his Thunder Step. Zeugen tries to catch up by casting Jetblast Windforce on the ground. However, Zeugen shall never outrun the speed of light.

"Here I go…!" Marco in his thundering steps then channels his mana energy, mostly to his right arm and straight into his clenched fist. "Here goes nothing!" Marco quickly halts behind Zeugen and draws his punch, hitting him in the back. The impact caused a severe lightning blast and electrocuted the Dragonian.


However… Marco also got electrocuted in the process. He jumps backwards to stay in distance with the Dragonian. "Geez… I overly channeled my mana energy into my fist… dammit, it feels shocking to my heart! I believe he felt far worse than I did, though…" he said while looking at the downed Dragonian.

Zeugen then forcefully gets up despite having the electric shock jolting him. His armor which is comprised of conductive metal made the effectiveness increased as well. "Damn zee…!"

"Stirb einfach schon!" Zeugen shouts in a different language. "GRRRRR!!! That's it, I shalt draw my final attack. Let us settle it all here now!" said Zeugen angrily.

Marco stances ready.

Shortly, the Dragonian stances differently, making one magic circle, followed by four other magic circles in quadrant appearing in fast sequence. Zeugen is focused on chanting as the magic circle enlarges. His eyes begin to lit up in the color of wind element, Green.

"What magic is he going to cast…?" said Marco concerning. The Dragonian then grins again, "Let us see if thy humans canst buster mine Level 4 Wind magic!"

"What the—Level FOUR?!" Marco said in shock. "I must stop him, now!" He then taps his thighs and blasted with the Thunder Step spell. However, he was ultimately knocked away by the next sequence of Zeugen's ace magic. Uncountable amount of wind gathers up around the magic circle like crazily, immersed with the steam dragon's burst of hot mist.

"Prepare thyselves… for 'tis shalt be the last and utmost magic attack zee shalt ever see!


Wille des Windes – Steam Wave !!!"

The gathered wind explodes violently, causing a massive shockwave blast of steam surrounding him. The blast blows away trees from their roots, causing the soil and rocks to combine with the blast, and lastly, any living creature unfortunate enough within its blast radius.

"Uwaaaaaaaah!" Marco was ultimately sent flying far away. Most of his body parts receive severe burn injuries from the steam blast. Sean, who was just about to join the fight got hit within the blast radius, flung him off into the distance as well.

Zeugen, who successfully casted the magic grins and glints his green eyes.

"…I've won."

…but he suddenly feels a slight shock in his heart as if being zapped. In which he ignores and laughs out loud.