
Insufficient Funds

So… why are you still here? Only to suffer.

Haha, just kidding.


The morning rises and so does the sun above the horizon. Marco hops off his bed spiritedly, shocking Scias who was bedridden beside him. "Uwaaaah! New morning, new me! Yeeehaw!"

"Whoa-what happened?!" he reflectively asked in his half asleep mode. "Yo! It's morning dude, c'mon let's go!" Marco invited his buddy to go downstairs.

Scias is still half asleep, but because of Marco's sudden change made his eyes open wide within seconds. He then wipes his eyes and proceeds to look at him for some time.

"W-What's wrong, dude?" Marco asked curiously.

Scias then pinched his cheek. "Ouch."

"Huh?" Marco wondered his friend's actions. "C'mon, let's go." He said smilingly.

Scias was stunned, "What the hell happened?" he questions to himself over and over. Shortly, his stunned face shifted into a grin. He lets out a short breath, in his mind believed that Marco has returned to his senses.

"Hey, hey, dude? What's wrong?" Marco asked again. "N-Nope… nothing's wrong," Scias replied with a small smile. Marco tilts his head slightly in curiosity. Without him knowing, Scias let out a silent breath. He felt really glad that his friend has come back.

"Now I'm curious…" said Marco while having his fingers beneath his chin.

"Never mind that, now, let's go," said Scias while getting his boots on.

"Oh, okay, cool."

Downstairs, the two met the twin sisters already having bread to eat. "Mm? Mwarco, gwood mhorning," Aily greeted spiritedly.

"Hey, Aily, don't talk with your mouth full." Nina admonished. She glanced at the explorer, "My, my, how are you feeling, Marco?" she asked kindly. Her face still flies that of concern for Marco.

"Hehey, can't be any better," Marco thumbed up and smiled. "Oh, and good morning to you two as well," Marco added.

Both Nina and Aily also share the same wondrousness as Scias. "What in the world happened?" that's what they thought. Marco looks incredibly cooled down. He is spirited and carefree as he was usually in Areda Island.

"Haah…" Marco sighs, "Last night was very cold, is it not?" he asked.

"U-Um… yeah," Aily replied awkwardly. Scias came close to her and Nina, "I know what y-you're thinking, but don't worry," he whispered. "He's the Marco you two knew."

"Scias, what are you whispering, mate?"

"Ah, nothing… it's just that we're happy to see you back like this."

"Aww… that's really kind of you. Anyway, where's that green haired vanguard?" Marco turns his head around in looking for Sean.

"He's gone out." Scias said. "He told us that he and his 'acquaintance' have some business to do."

"What is that?"

"I dunno." Scias shrugged slightly. "Instead of talking about that man, why don't we get ourselves something to eat?" Scias asked. "T-Today's menu… looks kinda acceptable," he added while looking at the food tray.

The four took a breakfast while having a small chat. Nina and Aily can breathe relief that Marco wasn't being gloomy again.

"As if he was freed from the chains that bonded him," so Nina thought gladly.

Marco slurps his glass of water, "Phew, the food and drink in here are tasty." Sure do, the food did taste good, even though they picked the cheapest place out of all. "Right? I like it, too! I never thought that Alidia had some intriguingly good dishes." Nina agreed with a smile.

"Too bad Aily doesn't like vegetables," she glared at her sister. "Gulp! Ehehehe…" Aily chuckled after putting her glass down. "They just don't look good," she replied. "My, my, you should learn eating those one of these days, or else no one would marry you," Nina teased her while rubbing her sister's head. "Hah? What do vegetables have to do with marriage?" she asked.

"Aw… someday, you'll know. Tee-hee-hee,"

"Ahhh, sister!" Aily pouted for being teased by her sister.

Marco and Scias who were sitting side by side in front of them speak, "Dude, you understand?" Marco asked.

Scias munches his food and swallowed it whole. "...Nope." And he proceeds to drink.



After done having breakfast, they went out of the inn. "Alrighty, then, where to go next?" Marco asked spiritedly. "I guess we should look for a quick job, M-Marco…" Scias said in a low pitched voice. He was digging the small coin pouch.

"What's wrong, Scias?" Marco gets close to him. "Bruh…" he exhaled, "Don't want to say this, though, but…"

"Insufficient funds?" Marco asked in a guessing tone. "Yeeeah…" Scias confirmed his buddy.

Nina then offers her wallet, "Don't worry, you guys can use my cash, tee-hee," said Nina smiling. Scias and Marco looked at her. Marco then gladly accepts, "Why, thank you, Nina. I thought you—

"Nope. We're not going to use individual moneys." Scias declined her offer. "I'm sorry Nina, I appreciate your gratitude, but we cannot use personal b-belongings to fund our journey," said Scias a bit cold.

"Scias?" Marco wondered why Scias refused. "Besides… if the next city we're going to stop by in the north, we will be screwed, as we don't have enough money." Scias reasoned.

"Hm… talking about money, you're right, though," said Aily accepting his reason. "Sister also told me that we shouldn't be accepting money from strangers,"

"Urgh! S-So you mean I'm a weird stranger, that it?" she glared at her sister slowly. "Eeek, t-that's not what I meant, sis, seriously!" Aily tried to defend herself.

"Huh… is that your culture?" Marco asked. The quarreling twins stopped and flinched at the explorer, slightly surprising him. "Yup." Both of them said in the same time. "Is that so? In any means, I guess Scias was right, tho. I do remember many kingdoms had high cost of living. Imagine being penniless because of expensive thingamajigs, heheh-heheh…"

"…we really should be looking for one before continuing. And fast. Plus find a high pay." Marco said while crossing his index and middle fingers.

Everyone agreed and headed out.



Hardly able to find one, that's the first problem when finding a new job, especially when you're a newcomer. Going around storehouses, restaurants, shops, et cetera, they still couldn't find a suitable job. In some point, Nina's beauty caught many attentions from many people in the kingdom. The same said to Aily, but since she was 'obviously' young, she will and always guarded by her sister and her two friends. Besides, hardly anyone caught interest in her.

"Somehow, I feel piqued…" she grumbled quietly. Her sister laughs soon after.

Aily's sister did catch some 'weird' people's attention. Some of them thought that Nina and her sister were goddesses, Nina simply turned down such compliments, saying that they're overreacting. Aily felt uncomfortable when overly praised like that, not to mention that they're random nobody. In some points both of them were offered 'intriguing' jobs at a 'female-only-workers' place. Nina's eyes turned sharp when there's one, she will roast the job-giver and turned down the offer. She knows too much of those people.

Nina doesn't want her or her sister to 'dress up' inappropriately.

An hour has passed, yet no good jobs were available for them. Even though there was, it would be turned down by Nina. Marco and Scias questioned her attitude for being rude to job givers. Nina then revealed that she had visited Alidia Kingdom before, and she knew that there are many scammers in this kingdom.

As they continue their search, they stopped at a hut that sells beverages and snacks. That hut is only made out of plywood and straw roof. But it looks perfectly good and there are quite many visitors.

"Well you look at that…" said Nina while looking at the massing line of customers. "Owhohow, that's a source of income, is it not?" Aily said.

"That's a very…. long line," said Scias in realizing on the line of visitors. The amount of people coming here are massive, the line of people would look like a snake body if taken photograph from above.

"Yeah… really great for a source of income…" said Marco wiping his forehead off his sweating. He then opens his eyes widely in realization, "Hold up! Source of income… that's it!"

"What is it, Marco…?" Scias asked meekly. "Hehe… it's work time, Scias!"

Inside that small hut that was located downtown, the party offered their services to help. Surprisingly, the man working in there is the hut owner, plus the cook, and the bartender. He was gasping harshly in tiredness over working too much. After being called by Marco, he turned his gaze sharply, "HHAAAAH?!" then shocks the party.

"Wowowowowowow, chill out, dude," said Marco waving his hands in front of him.

"A-Ah… it's quite obvious if I shouted at you folks! This here is my hut, what are you strangers doin' here?" he said in a rush and irritated voice.

"Um… we're wondering if we can give you a hand." Marco said carefully, he knew the guy was really upset for them entering without permission. "HAAH?! Give a hand?!" he shouted loudly, shocking the customers.

"Geez, chill, chill, dude…" Marco tried to calm him down but— "PERFECT! About damn time help arrives. What you can do? What you three can do?" he asked faster than the speed of sound. "Don't worry I'll pay you all, just… HELP ME with these loads of customers!"

Marco smirked and gave a hidden thumbs up to his fellow party members. The rest of them replied with the same finger. Aily gave a big smile to him afterwards.

And so… the party took a part time job at Cavil's Corner, the name of the hut.

"Yeeesh, you look beautiful in that waitress outfit, Nina," Marco complimented kindly. "My, my, thank you."

"Ahh! What about me, Marco?" Aily asked. "Hm! You look great, too!" Marco nodded while wearing kitchen apron. "That's it? Hmmh…" she pouted, "Come on, sister!" she took her sister to work.

"Hm? What's going on with her? Ah, well… time to work!" said Marco spiritedly. "Right, bro?" He looked right to Scias. His tall and built body makes the apron look inappropriate for him.

"Right… What you gonna do?" Scias asked shortly. "Simple."

He picked the saucepan, many ingredients, and a spatula. "Fufufu!" he smirked. In Scias' heart thoughts, "Oi, oi, oi…! Don't say he's going to—

"Marco, Meat Sandwich, four portions!" said Cavil, the hut owner. "Heh, I bet you're going to make these customers run away," Cavil mocked. "Ey… just wait and see," Marco replied quickly.

Within seconds, Marco played his hands super quick. Bread, vegetables, meat, butter, every move he made is insanely quick. His eyes are furious in spirit. He cooked with all his might. Scias, who was just about to make a drink, got shocked at his buddy's performance.

A few minutes later, Cavil was about to object Marco's ability, but he was extremely surprised that the dishes were prepared perfectly. He searches the food for any inconsistencies, but none! There's not a single gap for him to complain.

"W-Well! I suppose you did well, hmph," said Cavil. Scias looked at the hut owner, he accepted their offer but his attitude towards them is rubbish, so he thought. But since they need money, they must do it.

Nina and Aily were serving the visitors that has been lining up lately. The tables that weren't set up by the hut owner now all deployed, making the hut look like an outdoor restaurant. Both of them make a good team. Cavil was impressed, indeed, but he refused to show it.

The party's performance managed to serve all of the customers until closing time. Cavil was speechless nonetheless. He often insults his employees' performance, but now, he couldn't do it.

"Well… I suppose good work everyone," he said after closing the hut door. "Hate to say, but you folks done a really good job. Not even any of my former employees could handle things like you. What a loser they are, harrumph!"

"I believe the loser is you, Mr. Cavil," said Marco quietly looking away. "Sorry?"

"Ahaha, nothing." Marco quickly closed the conversation. "Anyways… here's the cash for you folks as promised," he gave a big sack of coins. Nina and Scias inspected it while Aily looked near it.

"Mr. Cavil, isn't this is more than half the money you gained this day?" Nina asked politely. "Huh? My money? Bollock heads! Those are the money that YOU gained. Not mine," Cavil replied harshly.

"Geez, that's very kind of you, hehehe," Marco giggled. "Ngah… enough! Anyway…. Erm… if, uh… you're interested in working here, um… I won't mind," said Cavil shyly.

"You sure about that?" Scias asked coldly. "Well… I need some helpers in my hut. If you don't want to, then that's fine!"

The party then laughed at his words. "W-What's so funny?!" he asked roughly. "Ah, no, it's nothing, really. You just can't be honest with yourself, aren't you, Mr. Cavil, hee-hee-hee," Nina said with giggle.

"A'ight, we'll help you out, Mr. Cavil." Marco gave his hand. Mr. Cavil took his hand and shook it spiritedly. "Deal! I'll pay you more."

In Marco's mind, "Oh, hell yeah, good thing there's a place to make sure my skills don't go rust, hehe. Good thing too that a 'gold mine' was found in here, hehe-hehe-hehe,"

Not far from their conversation, a petite girl was watching them… and soon leaves the area into an alleyway.