
Joins The Party!

The darkness of the night time shrouds the earth. But with enough manmade lights, those blankets of the dark will fade and consumed by the brimming light of lamps and candles.

Knowing that Pio is an orphan, penniless, and homeless, he then discussed it with his friends back at the inn where they're staying. Pio was taken along with them because she felt so sad and lonely. She is taken care by Nina and Aily.

"So what do you guys think? I think we can't let her stay on the open on her own like that," said Marco.

"True. I happen to think the same thing," Sean agreed with Marco's idea. "Civilians who are poor should be watched over. Why not send her to an orphanage, there has to be one around here, right?"

"Yeah, but… depending on her looks, t-though…" Scias peeked a little at Pio who's sitting with a curious face beside Nina. "Uh, I d-don't think an orphanage would accept a child armed with rope darts."

"Huhuh, you're right, I didn't think of that. Thinking about an armed kid going into the orphanage, it wouldn't be just a child who would be scared of her," said Marco while rubbing the back of his head.

"But still… even though she is a tough one, it doesn't change the fact that she's still a child who needs special attention and care like an orphanage." Sean reasoned. "Either way… it is better we ask HER whether she wants to go there or not. Well, even if she doesn't want to, we'll find a way to get her in an orphanage."

"Geez, dude, you're really one pushover guy, huh?" Marco slightly elbowed Sean.

"To be honest, I am in a hurry. So tasks like this wouldn't easily go into my mind. I only happen to do what normal people would do and pick the most rational option."

Sean gets up from his seat with a sour face. Seeing him, Marco realized that he isn't focused on helping Pio for a new place to settle in. His attention is mostly directed to the hat man or in Marco's guess, is Queaz.

"Alright, then, mates, I need to go and undergo some important investigation."

"Alone?" Marco wonders with a concerned voice.

"Don't worry. I've done some 'alignments' with the Alidian troops to collaborate in search of this 'demonic' being," said Sean confidently.

"I… I see. Do tell if you need our help, we'll gladly assist ya, man."

"U-Uh," Scias nodded lightly following Marco's words.

Sean lifted his arm and waved once, implying that he would contact them if the situation gets bleaker. And with that, Sean departs onto his mission. He aims that this night he will be able to apprehend the suspect.

Meanwhile, Marco and Scias join Nina and Aily in their conversation.

"So? What did you boys talk about?" Nina asked.

"It's about her, actually," Marco replied casually. "We initially planned to um… take her to an orphanage—

"—Pio DON'T WANT to go there!"

Pio suddenly shouted, surprising everyone in the living room.

Marco instantly knocks off his plan, "Okay, okay, chill out, Pio!"

Her eyes were trembling, which now shortly normalize, "Um… um… I'm sorry. I lost my composure." Pio apologized in a remorseful voice. "I don't wanna go to that place. It's scary."

"But Pio… you're still a kid. You need someone to look after you." Aily tried to reason with her. "Big sis couldn't be with you all the time, you know?"

"Y-Yeah… a little child requires a comfy place and a good person looking after them," said Scias flatly.

"You guys… she said she doesn't want to be in that kind of place. Right, Pio?" said Nina.

"Hm, Hm!" Pio nodded adorably.

"There has to be a reason for her to deny that place. We don't have to know about that."

Nina stood up in front of the couch. Pio looked at the kindhearted woman.

"I've been wondering this for a while… Pio, how old are you?"

"Mm?" Pio looked at Nina. Her finger touches her chin again. It appears it has been her habit.

"I am 14 years old. Why asking?"

"Eh?" Aily flinched at her in disbelief. So does Nina, so does Marco, so does Scias. Even the innkeeper that just passed by also disbelieved.

"You're… fourteen?" Marco asked in disbelief.


In Marco and Scias' mind speaks out, "Hohoh, I thought she was still six or seven years old. Her petite appearance tricked many people's eyes."

"She's… the same age as I do?" Aily spoke out her thoughts aloud. "Eh? N-No, I mean—

"Uwah! You are fourteen, too? Hee-hee-hee, we're the same~!" Pio jumps off the couch into grabbing Aily's hands and hops lightly in happiness.

Aily felt insecure because a girl having her arms and body tied up with swirling rope and a sharp edged dart on the tip while shaking her hands. But strangely, though, Pio managed to hide that weapon of hers. Aily cannot find it with her bare eyes.

"P-Pio…" Aily said with a forced smile.

"Aily~!" Pio grits her teeth adorably.

Marco smiles intently at the two girls. Scias got reminded of something when seeing Pio and Aily shake hands like that. His stiff face melts into a slight grin.

"Whew, you two get along almost instantly the moment she told us her age, huh?" Nina teases. "Be a good friend for her, Aily. Tee-hee-hee-hee~!"

"S-Sister… that's not funny,"

"My, my… don't be so snappy, Aily. Alright, then…" Nina halts her giggly mouth and begins to talk seriously.

"Pio, if you don't want to go to the orphanage… or anywhere else, where do you want to go?" Nina asked.

"I don't know. I wanted to wait for my sister to come back. But… I don't like waiting. I hate waiting. I don't want to go to or-va-nej. Scary people, scary building…"

Marco lets out a short breath, "Hah… Pio, if you want to, I'll—

"—I have an IDEA!" said Pio cutting Marco's voice. Her eyes are shining when looking at Marco. "Mister… you gave me the most delicious food ever! I don't think I want to stop eating your food, mister."

"Y-Yeah… so…?"

"I want to go with you! Take me with you!" she said with a hopeful smile.

"EH?! B-B-B-But our journey isn't that s-si-simple, you know?!" Marco reasoned. Aily was a bit panic when hearing Pio wanting to join, "Y-Yeah! Our adventure isn't some merry going thing or whatever it is you want to call it, Pio!" Aily added.

"It doesn't matter! As long as I can eat your food, I'll do anything!" Pio stated surely.

"Teach me how to cook, too! You promise!"

Aily thougt that, "Either she is craving Marco's food or she's serious about supporting Marco and the others, nobody knows." Her face melts into a smug look.

Aily actually don't really want a deadly girl lining up together with the party. She felt that the four of them, excluding Sean, is more than enough to go through the journey. She doesn't really want anyone else joining them. But her sister, Nina, and Marco alongside Scias, holds better experience in the field, so picking up new party member is their right to do so.

"I don't mind she tags along with us. Besides, I owe her for saving my life. If possible, I would like to teach her some common knowledge, hee-hee. Is it okay, Marco?"

"Well, Marco?" Scias turns around to Marco.

"Well, it's up to you, Nina. You're the boss." said Marco in great confidence.

A brief silence, everyone looked at him blandly.

"Oi, Marco," Scias called out. He pats his buddy's shoulder and says, "The leader of this party is you.

"Eh? Me? A leader? W-Who, wait, what? Who decided that?"

"I do."

"I do."

"I do."

Nina, Aily, and Scias sounded the same in turns.

"Ahaha, you guys are so funny. Obviously the older ones are the correct choice of a leader, right?"

Nina approaches him with a serious face.

"Marco, in this world… probably both worlds, one rule applies: old and wrinkly doesn't determine you as wise, thus a leader."

Scias rubs his head briefly, "W-Well… I'm no good at leading. So… you are the one, Marco."

"The young ones might not be as experienced as the old ones, but if they're the ones with the best knowledge and leadership, then they're the best choice, not the old ones!"

"O-Oh…" Marco thought about it for a moment. He remembers that his father wasn't the oldest in the Istinggar clan, but he became the leader of them all. "I… I see…"

Pio was curious what was being debated or being discussed, so she asks with a low voice, "So…? Can I…?" Pio looked at Marco with a hopeful face.

"O-Ouoh… ahhh! If you guys want me to lead, then okay!" Marco yells out. He then turns around at everyone else,

"Guys! We have a new member on board!" he stated. "Introducing…. Pio!"

Silence. Again.

"What're you doing, Marco?" Scias asked wondrously. Even Marco wondered why he did something so embarrassing like that.

"A-AHEM! Anyway…." Marco turned around at Pio, whose face was so delighted to be introduced in such a way.

Marco decided to inaugurate Pio into his party. "Pio… welcome to our party." He accepts her into the flock. Her eyes and smile shines in happiness. "Thank you!"

"BUT! Remember you're not with us for simply food, alright? You're going to train and study as well!"

"Hm! I will do it! I promi…se… study? C-Can we…. Um… not do that part? Ehehehe…"

"My, my, Pio… you're no different like Aily, doesn't like to study at all. Hmph," Nina pouted. "Well, Aily, I hope you can accept her, well although I don't expect you to instantly accept her, tee-hee."

"H-Hm." Aily nodded slightly. Her voice sounded flat.

And with that, a new party member has joined Marco's party!



Meanwhile that very night… at the castle of Alidia, a massive problem emerges.

…Their king has been assassinated.