Chapter 0: What Has Happened?!

October 21st, 999

The skies of Sacrania filled with breezing wind. It is the continent where the great empire of Sacranopolis stands on the planet. Over one hundred million people comprised of many races and clans lived within the continent. Lead by two major races: Humans and Dragonians, the empire stands unshaken by anything.

All preparations are complete, so said the Dragonians. What are they preparing?

Defenses, they said.

Fellow citizens of the empire wondrously asked again, for what purpose they do so since the empire was in a peaceful state. Their beloved emperor announced that he will protect everyone living within the borders of Sacranopolis Empire, but with no further information on whom were they defending against. He believed that his people had no necessary need to know the hectic he and his officials are facing.

"They better not know about it. It will start a panic if we tell them." so said the emperor firmly.

The emperor proudly showed his state of the art Imperial Army. His army comprised of powerful knights, warriors, mages, and elementalists. Combined altogether with his dragon allies, he's utmost sure that he will succeed in protecting the empire. He had the greatest confidence one may find among many world leaders.

Many magical barriers were built in many points covering the continent. Defensive towers and outposts were also built to further bolster their strength. With the dragon race that can morph into humanoid-like form, they may blend alongside the human race to help each other. The Dragonians knew who were they fighting, but not for the humans, they were left with unanswered questions. Even so, they put a great belief in their emperor, thinking that everything shall be alright. Their trust to the emperor was so massive and dedicative, until the point that not a single spy or eavesdropper is found trying to expose the truth.

…but all of those preparations went all into waste. A loud vociferous burst of energy disarrayed them all.

The world suffered a gigantic change known as the Dimensional Impact. This phenomenon shatters the world order and merged one world with another, thus forming a new world. The continent of Sacrania has changed, merging with another world's continent. But instead of getting larger, it got smaller.

The people living in both worlds have changed. Some disappeared and some got trapped in the merged world. Civilizations in both worlds were stumbled enormously and nearly caused a major chaos throughout the world's lands, but soon to be quelled by the existing world leaders from both worlds.

However, the Great Sacranopolis Emperor nearly suffered a breakdown as what he had prepared for years have plunged into complete zero. The capital city has changed with a city that he had never seen before, what makes matter worse was that the capital city was filled with nothing but total emptiness. There's not a single life form either from his world or the other world. His concern was soon to be healed as he found some dragonians and humans who also got trapped in the merged world being scattered far away. There were also some remains of the once readied Imperial Army and some parties from his world. They soon reformed in the ghost city of once which known as Sacranopolis' capital city.

With the calamity going on, the emperor still greatly concerned for the incoming attack from those he didn't mention. He knew that his preparations were gone and now he must do something about it. With scarce resources and limited time, he made a decision to protect even the merged world.

He sent out his available men into villages, towns, cities, and kingdoms on a diplomatic mission. The emperor wishes not to war with them, but to cooperate so that they may work together to protect the new world.

He then gathered the strongest of the strongest available: elementalists either from the humans or the dragons. He commanded them to scour the region around the ghost city and to find more trapped survivors of the calamity.

Just within weeks, the emperor had established power in the region and had influenced neighboring regions to ally with him. He had found thousands of his people, soldiers, and some few dragonians. He also managed to find some familiar places from his original world and quickly established communication.

In order to not confuse the people from the other world, the emperor gathered their leaders and proposed a way to distinct the people of the original world and the other world that merged with theirs, they've come up with an agreement that these two worlds shall be called differently.

The world where the emperor and his remnants originated from are to be called 'Gaia'. While the other world that merged with theirs now called 'Tellus'.

Despite his attempt to gain power so quickly, there were many who would oppose him. Even with distinctive world names still causes inevitable conflicts around the distorted realm.

Seemingly endless, and there's no sign of his world returning back to normal, the emperor began to lose confidence and eventually became desperate.

Deep in his desperation, two men suddenly appeared before him. One of them was his acquaintance and the other one wasn't known. The emperor knew his acquaintance had a great ability in terms of command and control, despite his bad relation with him. However, the two men reassured that they will help him out in the dark hour. The emperor, who can no longer keep his composure, agreed and made one of them as Fortress Commander in the eastern continent.

After his promotion, many of the emperor's underlings flocked to him, warning him about accepting strangers into his fold, especially the man he trusted as commander, which had a bad reputation among them, but the emperor had no other choice. He MUST defend the merged world he lives in now and if possible, he wanted to return to his original world.

One of the major discoveries that the emperor managed to procure was that he found out the explorer clan of Areda also got trapped in the heinous world. He gathered their clan leaders and made a treaty. He forced them to return back to their home island far to the south, saying that they must take shelter until further notice.

A few months later, specifically December 24th, 999

The commander that the emperor accepted made an insane action that led into a far more disastrous conflict. What makes matter worse was that the commander was also a dragonian, which instilled the generalization of 'dragonians are tyrants.'

Indeed, the people of the other world called the commander as a tyrannical warmonger, in spite of his façade of being the Imperial commander. This made an unsettling situation between both worlds' civilization and thus caused a massive conflict. That conflict…

…literally ignited a war right in the New Year's Eve.

In the 1st of January, year 1000, the war rages between the people of Gaia and the people of Tellus within the Dimensional Impact calamity merged world.

...But the explorer clan of Areda, refused to fight along.

They declared themselves neutral.