
Didn't Expect It To Be Like That

The sun is shifting down.

The scenery, the supposed shriveled meadow is no longer there. Walloped by waves of dark energy enlightened with magenta streaks of light that relentlessly consumed the land, it is their death mark. The waves of shadow relentlessly strike ahead, rolling like tidal waves unto the village.

"We really… really didn't notice it at all. We… were too late… if it's like this… then we're all screwed. We're done for. Sister, Marco, please don't go away from me… please…"



Four hours earlier…

The sun was above their heads.

Everyone moved rapidly. Palisade walls erected with haste, as if they're preparing for an incoming wave of attack. Indeed, the factor of a possible dark elementalist to appear was enough to make everyone rushed. The situation was not in their favor at all.

"How unbelievable," Nina said in anxiousness. She had activated her Mana Perception once more with the desire to spot the dark energy's last position. Much to her surprise, the dark energy displayed an increase of speed rate. It was faster, faster than ever.

"Why now… it's faster?" she fearfully stated. Nina described her perception of the dark energy wave incoming and was accelerating greatly as if something empowered them to move that fast.

She told her discovery to her party members and the village chief. Everyone didn't think that the dark energy would be much threatening. That's why they must do something, and fast.

"Yeesh, Nina, isn't that just great?" Marco said frowningly.

"What should we do, sis?" Aily asked in dismay. Nina turned at her younger sister and smiled saying, "Everything will be fine. Don't you worry, dear,"

Nina's smile dissolved as she turned back at everyone. The curse effect was not even diminished, yet the other threat was rushing under unknown cause. With that in mind, she told everyone about something else that she also discovered during the process of her sightings in a hope for a clue to best every odds in her way.

"Guys, lately, every time I use Mana Perception, I spotted these threads of thorn which came from the west. There were so many of them. They had the same color of the curse…"

"West, you say?" the chief retorted quickly. His face looked surprised greatly.

"Y-Yes, that's what I saw." Nina replied.

"By the gods! If it was from the west then the sacred tree has been… cursed, too." The chief replied grievously.

"Sacred tree?" Marco wondered. "Do you mean THAT gigantic tree?" he reassured.

"Gigantic tree… sacred tree…" Scias murmured. "Ah… I see what it is." He added in realization.

"Indeed, young man, there is a sacred tree called Yggdrasil located just west of here," said the chief in a wise tone. "It is known to be the world tree that is the center to the cosmos. It is considered very holy to the people of Gaia and supposedly located in a hidden place called Eden. But out of the blue, the tree appeared not so far from our village, in this… merged world. Because of it, for this past year, we've been going there and pleaded for safety of the land. But if that tree is affected by the curse… then we are all doomed."

When the chief looked up at Marco's party, he was slightly surprised by their actions of gazing sharply to the west.

"Say, gramps… I see no nothing aside from those normal trees," said Marco in confusion.

"Yeah… I see nothing either." Scias added.

"Pio see nothing, too!" said Pio.

"Normal people may not see the sacred tree, however." The chief stated. "But if I give you the Eden's Vision, then you may see it."

The chief reassured everyone that the Eden's Vision was nothing else aside the ability to see the tree. He may share it with some people no more than three. The chief persuaded the party to decide who will receive the shared vision.

"Is there no way of learning it ourselves?" Marco asked curiously.

"You may learn it, of course. But there's no time for it. We are running out of time, just as what Miss Nina has told us."

"I-I see… well, then. Nina's obviously going to take the first share, so who else going to receive the second and third share?"

"I will go." Scias quickly stated. "Okay, you're in, then, mate." Marco thumbed up.

"Then the last drop shall be…"

"It's full already, is it not?" Aily stated out of the blue.


"I mean, I don't want to leave sister behind. I will stay by her side, I—"

"Aily." Nina stopped her while turning around to her. "I know you will not like this, but you must stay here."

"No way… why, sis…?"

Nina showed her smile slightly and said, "You told me last night that you want to try out some new magic of yours, right? Then this is the perfect moment you've been waiting for. I'm sorry if you cannot come along, but you don't have to worry, we will return as fast as possible."

Her persuasion moved Aily's feelings. She wanted to go, but realizing her proficiency maximized in support magic that can be helpful in setting up defenses in the village, she nodded reluctantly and decided to stay.

"Promise me… promise me you won't take it too long, okay?"

Nina lowered her body half crouched and said to her sincerely, "I promise."

"Ooh, can I have it?" Pio asked cheeringly, yet out of the blue. "Why can you ask so cheerfully in this kind of situation, Pio…?" Aily retorted lightly.

"You want to go along, Pio?" Marco asked.

"Yes!" Pio answered quickly.

Marco noticed Aily's body twitching a bit. He stared at her. She was pouted and shook her head numerous times, implying no, no, no, and no towards Marco.

Marco read her meanings successfully and told Pio, "No, Pio, you may not."

"Huh, why not?" Pio retorted.

"Why…?" Marco muttered. In his mind, he was filled with a flurry of words, trying to think the reason.

"SHIIIIIIIIIITE! What is the best reason? What is the best reason to make her understand?" Shortly, he remembered that Pio lost her weapon in her fight against Queaz. In his mind thought it would be the best choice to persuade her.

Marco reasoned with her "Sorry, Pio, don't you remember you lost your weapon to that masked guy?"

"Well, it's true, but…"

"We don't know whether we're going to fight against monsters or not… Aily said you rely deeply on your weapon, right?" Marco said.

Aily's face cheered up quickly and said, "Yes, true, that's true!"

"That's why I'm not allowing you. If you're hurt and unable to defend yourself, then you're screwed."

"…Pio understand…" she said disappointingly. Seeing her response, Marco approached her and said, "But you know, you can help the villagers defend this place. Don't you want to save people?"

Pio cheered up easily and replied, "Yes! I want to save everyone!"

"Good. Please stay in the village, okay?"


"Pio, we will do it together, okay?" Aily asked in a cheered voice. "Hm!" she nodded.

Marco smugly looked at the two, in his mind spoke out, "These two acted like reaaal kids."

Scias nudged Marco slightly and simultaneously said, "If you're not going to let neither Aily nor Pio into going to that sacred tree, then why did you even ask about 'second' or 'third' share?"

"…oh. You're right." Marco realized he just wasted some precious time.

The village chief shared the Eden's Vision to Nina, Scias, and Marco. The three kneeled before the chief while the old man touched their heads. As a result, they receive a warmth sensation, the indicator of the successful sharing.

After thanking the chief, the three stood back up and opened their eyes to the west. What a huge amazement they perceived for they saw a gigantic, massive tree in the far distance. The tree was so huge and tall it might've touched the sky ends.

"So… that's Yggdrasil…"

"Let's not waste any more time, Marco." Nina stated. "Let's get going."

Without any further ado, the three departed to the forest to the west with very limited resources. Marco was supposed to be in the village for him being also cursed, but since he's the best in dealing with forestry situation, he's taken along. Moreover, there was this thread of thorn instilled on him, strangling him like spider webs, yet he didn't feel it.

On their way, the three fought several monsters like earth worms and wild wolves "Shite, I was just guessing there would be monsters in this forest, didn't think they're really exist here. Aside from that, they're strong! Hehe, yeah great, just great!"

"Gibberish again, huh, Marco…" Scias stated. His eyes got shocked as he saw a slash running down towards him. He reflexed and parried it.


"Did you see that, man?" Marco asked. "Uh. Better stick close." Scias nodded. "What do you guys think it is…?" Nina asked.


"Watch out!" Marco's eyes realized first. He reflectively pulled his dagger and blocked the incoming slash. Scias and Nina backed off behind Marco while putting in alert.

"Did you hear that…?" Nina asked again. "U-Uh…" Scias nodded while maintaining high alarm.

"It's some scary big bug again! Dang it, I haven't even moved on from those scary devilish insects." Marco retorted.

There was a hissing sound like a mantis. Scias, Nina, and Marco backed to back each other. They watched all sides for their opponent to come. "Nina… ready the windforce magic, please. Wait for my mark…" Marco commanded.

"…okay. Please cover me."

Nina chanted and stabbed the soil with the edge of her wooden cane. A green magic circle appeared from the top of her cane.

*rustle… *rustle… *rustle…

Their eyes looked all sides, searching for the monster. Several seconds later, the monster emerged right on top of them. It was a big black mantis with scary red flashy eyes. Its scythe was going to ram at Marco's face.

"Now, Nina!" Marco commanded. In an instant, Nina aimed her cane to the bug and in line with a large rock and casted her magic brilliantly.

"Jetblast Windforce!"

A powerful burst of wind blasted the mantis monster spectacularly. The mantis crashed into the large rock, breaking the rock in shambles. The mantis lost a partial of its body as a result. Marco and Scias stared silently.

"…Amazing, Nina." Marco complimented. "Hehe, thank you very much." She smiled.

"Say, I remember your windforce ain't this powerful before…"

"In case you didn't know, I always find a secret place to train my magic."

"Hoho, really… oh, wait, that monster's isn't dead yet. Well, for a monster—wait, does that creature counts as a monster, it's too demonic to be called a normal monster, though…"

"Demon or not, let's defeat it quick!"

Just before Marco and Nina about to step, Scias jumped in and rushed into the demonic creature with his sword out. He silently voiced out: "Quick, huh…"

"Sword Art – Shining Slash!"

Scias' katana beheaded the mantis in a flash. Purplish liquid that seemingly be the creature's blood squirted rapidly. The mantis stopped moving.

Later, Nina and Marco joined him in the parade of the purplish liquid littering on the soil.

"What the heck, dude…"

"We ought to be quicker, Marco." Scias solemnly stated while holding his sword still. "Oh, sure, come on, then. By the way, what's with the long face, dude?"

"This monster is… n-no, never mind. Let's get going." Scias slashed his sword sideways to clean it off the blood. He then sheathed the sword. Marco nodded at the tall mercenary and hurried together along with the two to the west.

Meanwhile, Nina realized Scias said it again, those thoughts of him that he kept to himself.

After three hours of hurrying from the village, they finally reached their destination. In front of them was the base of the gigantic tree.

The titanic tree that shaped like an oak was undoubtedly huge, spanning around sixty meters in height with an amount of leaves that seem infinite that garnished the tree. The branches were amazingly thick and powerful. The roots were insanely large and spread all around the place. It was an immersive view for anyone to see. The tree of life was right in front of them.

"What an honor to see this tree up close, don't ya agree, Scias?" said Marco casually.

"You've forgotten about you being cursed, eh, Marco?" Scias retorted.

"S-Shush! I'm trying to cool myself from that!" Marco nagged.

The three walked onto the tree roots as they closed in. "I really wonder…" said Nina while looking around the tree. "Why did this great tree can only be seen through a specific ability…? If it is so beautiful, beautiful and majestic, mighty and powerful… it should've been… shown to the world shouldn't it…?"

"Oi, Nina, what are you doing? Oiii!"

Nina was highly mesmerized. Of course, her love for trees was forever unshakable, and right now it's wriggling crazily. Even so, she realized she must hold it in.

"No, I must hold myself in. Sorry, Marco, did I make you worry?" Nina smiled.

"Don't go off like that again. I thought you were mind controlled for a second there." Marco pouted.

"Hahaha, silly Marco, anyways… now's the moment of truth."

Nina planned out to assure herself that the tree was in fact got affected by the curse. She hadn't activated her Mana Perception yet since leaving the village. She planned to use it right here, right now.

"Okay, then…" she said nervously. "H-Here goes nothing."

Marco and Scias watched from behind as she stepped forth.

She gathered every last bravery she had and closed her eyes. Her heart was throbbing unusually, was it because she was standing before the mightiest tree of the world of Gaia? She didn't really know why. Suddenly, she had a very, very bad feeling about this. She hadn't activated it yet. But her feelings said she shouldn't do so. Her lips twitched uncontrollably, her sweat was generating from her skins.

She held her breath in, and opened her eyes.

"Mana Perception!"

Her eyes… flashed in rainbow colors. "What the heck…?" her pupils shuddered intensely. Her brain was receiving too much information whereas supposedly only to display without shoving the information to her head all at once. It was supposed to be her to learn and understand the meaning, yet right now the information railed into her in an incredible rate.

"It's… too much… what is happening…? aagh… s-stop…!"

She couldn't stop. The intensity rose, her eyes were heating up.

And suddenly…

Her left eyeball popped scarily into bloody pieces and she was thrown aback as if she was shoved away, crashing into one of the trees behind her.

Marco and Scias were extremely shocked to see their friend got thrown supernaturally like that. They didn't expect it to be like that.