
For Real?

In the dark zone, inside the palace of which to be the place where the demon general, Dantalion resides, he received a cardiovascular attack to his nine hearts. Even so, his face still smiles creepily as he stands in front of an altar enlightened with red dim lights.

"How… unbelievable," he said while grinning. "That human girl once again irritated me. Not only exterminating the magic I had created for so long, she and her allies managed to kill my minions. Yes, they are absolutely dead by now. Fufufu~"

He is unknown whether being angry or being happy or even being saddened. He always smiles. His voice also seems like the same at all times: composed and slow while emitting satanic presence.

"Aaah~ if only I was the one to go there… I would've got her head hung in my living room…"

Shortly, a figure of muscular-build demon arrived behind him. With an extremely hoarse voice, the demon speaks.

"Hurt again, I see."

Dantalion turned around, revealing his red eyes all teary in blood while smiling intensely like a madman. "Ahh… Belphegor, I see you have returned."

"Indeed, I, Belphegor, has returned. Yawn…"

Belphegor, he is the toughest demon general in terms of physical prowess. He is known to be able to penetrate a hole through a mountain within seconds and carry a large island with his own hands. But one thing that undermines his reputation: He is extremely lazy.

"By return, you mean from your elongated slumber, no?" Dantalion commented.

"Matters not, question important, hurt again, you are, yes?" Belphegor replied asking.

"Yes, indeed, I am very hurt… it pains me deep in my hearts," Dantalion smirked scarily.

"The tree of despair was no longer a name fitting for that big tree. That human girl had cleansed it off my blessings. Not only that… the entire blessings of mine had been erased by her solely. Plus on the other side… his—I mean, my minions… dead! Ooh, I've been had!" Dantalion explained in a gibberish voice.

"What am I going to say to 'that' person?" Dantalion asked himself. "Nay---nay—nayyy! I'm yet to be defeated, kekeke! I still… have something! But that fool, I must see HIM dead first! The… Curse Host… Die… DIE! Suffer first! Then DIE! Ookakakakakaka!"

Belphegor, not sure or even understanding what he's talking about, decided to leave Dantalion alone because one of his underlings just arrived and said, "The beddings is ready, my lord."



"Who… are you…?" Marco asked to the pink-haired girl.

She is nearly as tall as Marco. Her eyes are blaring beautifully with golden pupils, looking at Marco quietly. She fisted her hands in the air. The giant holy magic disappeared like fragments of light fading into the sunset sky.

"Who I am is not important," she stated. "Who are you is more important."

Nina starts firstly, "Good lady, I am Nina, Nina Meridia. We're very grateful for your rescue."

The lady doesn't seem to emit any much of expression from within those veils of hoodie. With a bland expression she replies, "I never came to rescue you people."

"T-Then… why are you here?" Scias asked.

"I do not want to speak with someone who doesn't tell their name. Be quiet," the girl stated harshly yet calmly.

Marco flies highly in his thoughts, "A demon's down, now a harsh angel dropped down on us. Isn't that something great? Oh, yeah, right, it's suuuper~ great. She has a pretty aura, though, I give that. But still, is she a friend or foe?"

Curious about her, Marco recklessly throws a tantrum to lure out her identity. "Guess there's only one way to find out."

In a rising tone, he spouts, "You don't even tell us your name, yet. No, wait. You DON'T want to tell us, do ya?"

"What are you trying to say?" the girl looked piqued.

"Well, I mean, at least tell us your name. It won't be that bad, right?" Marco replied.

"I already told you I don't want to speak with insolent people—

"—No, you didn't say that before. Previously you said that you DON'T want to speak with someone who doesn't want to tell their name."

"Yes, and that too. Now be quiet!" she yelled. Marco smiled a bit that her frozen-like expression now begins to melt.

"No, no, no, you literally just spoke with us. Right now, I mean—

Greatly irritated, the girl generates a light in a second and from it emerges a scepter. She then aims it at Marco's face directly, shocking the hell out of him.

"Just how far are you going to humiliate me? Have you no shame?"

From behind her, dozens of light spheres emerged, seemingly prepared to launch at any time. Knowing his situation, Marco decides not to continue his act.

"O-Okay, chill, chill, I'm just joking."

"Do you swear that?!" the girl threatened with ire. Her forehead is wrinkled up as she said it.

Marco says politely to her, "Yes, ma'am, I am sorry."

The girl then lets out a relieving breath and then puts away her scepter and let it float in midair. Not for long, the staff fades into light and disappears afterwards.

"I can't believe you make me feel terribly threatened," the girl said while looking away.

In Marco's mind, retorts out loud, "Seriously? You're the one making me feel threatened here."

"Good gracious, Marco… you really shouldn't force her to say things. Don't do anything reckless like that again, okay?" Nina nagged.

"Hehe, okay." Marco accepted.

Nina then whispers to his ears, "Come on, Marco, do as she says. We'll never know whether she's a good person or not."

"Huh, you didn't say…" said Marco frowningly. He then looks at the pink-haired girl and introduces himself properly.

"Sorry for the commotion before, my bad. Anyway, the name's Marco, Marco Istinggar. A lost traveller, well, to be honest, I am an explorer, though, hehe."

Nina nudges Scias a bit, "Come on, big guy, you too."

"U-Uh," he nodded. "G-Good day, I am S-Scias...... that's it."

"Eh?! Seriously, now, dude?!" Marco retorted in much surprise in his mind.

The girl then looks back at the three, "I see. I am pleased to hear it."

Marco, Scias, and even Nina expect her to tell her name now. But still, she refuses to tell her name.

"As I told you earlier, I didn't come here to rescue you. I came here to destroy the dark energy that is getting too close to that ghost city. It was a grip of luck that made me save you. To be honest, you all would've been simmered to stardust should I accidentally hit you with the Holy Imprisonment."

Slightly confused, Marco wonders, "Simmered to stardust is…"

"Well, technically, death. But your body will no longer exist. It's gone into the wind."

A heave goosebumps course through their bodies like electricity storming one's body, "That's scary."

The pink-haired girl continues, "Much to my surprise, I didn't expect there would be people living in the region. Since… this world is very chaotic, and I don't know anything much about it."

"This mixed world is sure is weird, hm, hm, I agree with ya," Marco stated while nodding twice.

"Ghost city?" Nina wondered.

"Well… it's much like an empty city with no inhabitants at all. No creature, no living beings in it. It's very empty," so said the girl beneath the pink hood.

"W-Whoa…" Marco expressed his amazement.

"It's not going to be a place of your interest, anyway," the girl added.

She then stares into the sky, watching the sun as it slowly shifts beneath the horizon. The skies are slowly falling into dark night. The wind blows swiftly, softly stroking anyone's skin.

"Well, I guess I have to go now."

"Where to?" Nina wondered.

"You don't need to know. Well, then,"

The girl walks away a bit. Nina thanks her once again, "Please be safe! We're really thankful for your arrival."

The girl slightly turned her head around. She grinned slightly and then in an instant, from her foot, a massive light blasts into the sky instantly, causing a small shockwave to the ground but leaving no crater or damage to the terrain.

With that, the young woman who accidentally saved their lives has gone into another place.

"Hey, Scias…" Marco called out flatly.


"Don't you think she's familiar?"


"Her scepter… her magical scepter is etched with the Sacranopolis ornament, is it not?"

"Yeah, especially the ornaments that specifically made for the royalty."

"So we're on one frequency, huh… well, then! Let's put that aside and return to the village for now, shall we?"

"U-Uh, sure." Scias nodded.

Nina, despite losing what are they talking about, decides to follow them anyways. "You're right, Marco. I believe everyone's worried sick for us."

"Well, then, shall we go?" Marco holds his hand forth to Nina and Scias.

Together, Nina and Scias nods and grabs his hands. "Yeah, let's go!"

And with that, the three proceeds back into the village without completely knowing the identity of their savior. Though, Marco and Scias had air of who she was.



As they arrive on the village front, they are hailed, welcomed warmly, and even declaring them as heroes by some of the village inhabitants.

It doesn't take a minute until everyone surrounded the three in circle. Their faces were extremely glad and happy in the same time, so glad that their tear glands leak uncontrollably. One by one they thank them, especially Nina.

"Thank you, so much~ Thank you! Thank you!"

"You've freed us from the demon's grasp!"

"All thanks we give to you!"

After being surrounded, shortly, everyone calls her name and hails out loud.

"Long live Nina!"

"Long live Nina!"

"Long live Nina! The savior of Yugos!"

From the crowded place where they stand, Nina hears a distant scream, one that she cherished and loved.


The little sister runs together with her friend and rushes towards Nina with tears all over their faces.

"Aily… Pio… good to see you two—oough!"

Without a second thought, Aily jumped to her, hugging her tightly in her. Her heart is pounding fast, implying her great concern towards her sister.

"Sister…! Sister… thank goodness you're okay~ thank goodness… thank goodness you're okay~!"

"Miss Nina…! Miss Nina return! Miss Nina returns to Pio! No, to all of us!" Pio declared cutely as she cuddled her too.

She smiles sincerely and feels incredibly moved until she didn't realize she let her tears run down, too. "Yes… Yes, I'm back. I'm back, you two…"

"Have you two been a good girl~?" she asked sobbingly.

"Hng!" Aily nodded while keeping her arms tight around her sister.

"Pio, too! Uwaaaaaah…!"

"Good. Very good, you two, I am proud of you two… hic, hic…"



The night befalls upon the continent. At that very night the village deploys a banquet, celebrating their freedom from the demon's curse.

It is a soundly evening. Every villager flies their gladdened smile highly. Their song of happiness soars greatly. They talk and eat joyously to each other without a scent of gloominess in their faces anymore. Their happiness is brought beyond compare as their harvest was also recovered thanks to Nina's healing magic. For that, the food is served nicely and full of tastes.

It is a joyous night.

Seeing the banquet in the village, Nina realizes, "Hm, just as I thought… the demons are lying. The villagers, they never wanted to die. Those faces of joy… they really wished for this day to come, huh?"

"Say, sister…" Aily suddenly poked her.

"Yeah, what is it, Aily?" Nina responded warmly.

"I wonder, where's your cane? I thought you treasure it that much."

"Ohohoh, that? Well, I have no choice but to leave it be in the forest for now, dear."


"Because it got stuck into a tree, I can't do anything about it. Not even Scias or Marco could pull the cane out. So… it can't be helped. But don't you worry, by tomorrow, I will fetch it back."

"Hng…" Aily pouts a bit.

"I know I know… you may come along. Pio, too, okay?" Nina smiled kindly. Aily's pouting face shines into a happy one, "Hm! I'm looking forward for tomorrow!"

"Pio is happy to hear that, tee-hee…" the little girl smiled adorably as she slurped her orange juice.



At the entrance of the village, unknown to everyone who was enjoying themselves in the village square, two people walks in with a confounded face.

"Oi, oi… For real? You gotta be serious about this…"

"Thoust fools!!! Shhhtarting a good party without me!"

"No, hold it, Zeugen. We're not even here for a party."

Indeed, they're here under a mission directly from their leader. Because of that, the two was given command of a legion of Imperial soldiers fully armed with some horses and carriages. They are all waiting just outside of the village.

"E-E-Even so! Zis ist veeery surprising. Ze people in here art enjoying themselves now. Herr Taizun, shouldst we hop into their joyous night?"

"Two letters, Zeugen, two letters."
