
Scalding, Frozen, and Burned

Earlier on…

"Herr Marco! I shalt not let zee die in ze hands of 'tis impudent being! I shalt not forgive zee if zee die here! I shalt be ze one who will defeat zee!!!"

Zeugen had changed into his dragon form. He charged at the behemoth successfully. But it didn't end there. From many orifices in his body, hazy clouds emerged wildly. He let out a louder roar, whereas right in front of his head between his skin and the behemoth's skin, a large green magic circle was generated. Shortly, a massive blast of wind sent the behemoth off his horn and broke into several trees in its flying direction.

Toma Zil was shocked to see his one and only underling felled. But he turned his sights away, continuing to pursue the human party, neglecting Doutha, believing that his underling would not be defeated so easily.

Little did the demon general knew, that his underling was faced against two strong adversaries. He underestimated them.

A few moments later, the two dragonians, Zeugen and Taizun did not waste a second. They raided the gigantic being together. Zeugen in his dragon form sent blasts of wind that broke the behemoth's hide as if cannons fired upon Doutha, followed by Taizun, who rained down countless ice needles to the creature mercilessly.

"Herr Taizun, stand back!" Zeugen shouted. The steam dragon excreted dense amount of steam from his bodily orifices. He forced himself to get the steam out faster. As a result, the battlefield was filled with hazy mist. The steam dragon knew his attempt could hamper his allies, especially his senior who was fighting against the demon general, blurring view, plus it is night time.

Unlike before, Zeugen's membrane enlarged, implying of his massive steam being forced out. "Grrr! Zis shouldst be enow!" he yelled.

The steam that was excreted got winded up around him in a fast rate, forming a spherical mist that coated him. Not long afterwards, the rotation got faster and faster, thickening the already dense hazy sphere.

Shortly, the behemoth demon, Doutha, rose back and roared loudly. Taizun then warned his colleague to make it quick for the demon had risen back.

From the ice dragonian's cloak, he drew his weapon: a long spear with ice crystals on its tip.

"I must not let that creature reach Zeugen!" he said assuredly. With dead serious stance, he drilled the ground with his spear, causing a fissure. From the edge of his spear blade, ice was generated, but unseen to anyone's eyes due to poor lighting.

The ice charged to the demon quickly. Once it hit the demon, it exploded into a larger ice, capturing the large behemoth securely on its feet, making it unable to move. But the demon was not quite affected as it broke the ice and took a stance to charge directly at the steam dragon.

"Darn it!" Taizun silently said.

Shortly, Zeugen gave his word. "Ayyyo! Herr Taizun, zee had done a job of perfection! Now ist ze time for mine magic to shine!"

Hearing that, Taizun quickly took a flip backwards far enough from the behemoth's charging path. Shortly, he remembered that Zeugen's magic would blast anyone in a large radius. Knowing so, he felt anxious but soon be remedied by Zeugen's action.

The steam dragonian opened his jaws, aiming towards the behemoth demon. The entire mist that sheltered him now shifted almost instantly to his mouth, creating a ball of steam.

"Wille des Windes – Notus Type – Steam Wave"

The sphere of steam exploded violently like a muzzle flash of cannon. It was so large that it caused a small earthquake as it released from Zeugen's jaws, causing a crater in front of him. The steam was slightly lightened, showing itself like a gigantic projectile travelling at an insane speed. Anything in its path got destroyed to almost nothing due to its incredibly high pressure.

Doutha attempted to avoid, but alas, it was too late for him. In the final moment, he rolled sideways but three four of his body got into contact with the steam sphere. The massing heat gathering in the dampened wind caused a scalding on the behemoth skin's surface. Shortly, the steam ball exploded spectacularly, causing many trees to disassemble from their roots and even broke off into shattered woods. The behemoth demon was sent flying away into the forest and crashed far enough from its initial position.

The injury caused by Zeugen's level 4 wind magic was no scratch. The behemoth demon lost three of his monstrously legs, major parts of his body blasted into nothingness, revealing the innards of his body.

Getting into contact with the steam ball was fatal. Indeed, the sphere that collided with Doutha was not as large as the behemoth demon, but getting hit means absolute defeat.

Zeugen's 'Wille des Windes' magic could be altered. It can be blasted around the user in a large radius, and can also be shot like a cannon fire. There are several types of alterations, but Notus Type is the one that caused a wind magic to be shot in a straight path.

In the aftermath of the steam blast, Zeugen flied to the behemoth demon's location with Taizun on his back. As they landed, they found the demon terribly injured.

"…" the two stared silently at the fallen creature.

"…He's done for," said Taizun.

Meanwhile, on the other side…

"Demon Aspect – Accursio"

Toma Zil had activated his unique skill, but shortly stopped as he and everyone else got shocked by the steam wave blast noise and quake. In addition, his unique skill was cancelled.

"…What was that?" asked the demon general whilst looking toward the source of noise. The cacophony of crash noises made him felt unease. Moreover, the shockwave that he just felt was no mere explosion.

The human party along with the fire dragonian was also surprised.

"…Matters not," he piqued. "Doutha would never lose. He's a powerful being, after all," he believed while turning back at the party.

But suddenly, he felt an instant goosebumps. He takes a stance to block an incoming attack. Suddenly, a powerful piercing blow rammed him, causing him to fling off.


The demon general crashed into several large rocks and trees, before he finally rolls in midair and successfully halts his speed momentum. As he views his front, he saw the fire dragonian follow up pose as he bludgeoned him with his fist. Toma notices smoke coming from his all-round black skin. Seeing it, he grits his sharp teeths and rages.

"That wretched fool—!"

The demon general was only seconds of distracted. Ognist saw an opportunity and slammed him.

Ognist states out, "See this, Marco. Allow me to teach you something… when you see an opening then exploit it wholly."

"H-Huh…" Marco retorted.

"I will make this quick. What are you going to do now, Marco?" Ognist asked.

Marco thinks of it for a second, "…Oh!"

"I will secure the village," said Marco.

"Good. Don't force yourself, son. Save all those you can save," Ognist stated before running towards the demon's place, clashing again with him.

"Guys, the villagers need our help. Nina, Aily, Scias, Pio, let's go!" said Marco boldly.

The party nods and rushes back to the village.

As they got into the village, the battle is underway again.

"Is this how you fight your opponents, dragonian?" the demon yowled. "You call me dishonorable, yet you have no honor to your adversary!"

"It is in my courtesy to crush my enemies in war. We and the demons are at war, after all. HERNGH!" said Ognist ended with a sword slash horizontally.

Toma meticulously followed Ognist's sword slash and avoided it just before it hits his skin. He strikes back by launching numberless amount of punches to the dragonian.

"A second of distraction can mean your defeat, demon general," Ognist added. He took a quick stance and casts.

"Fire Sword Art – Scorching Bones"

The demon general leaps backwards, successfully avoiding the unforgiving fire swash. He then leaps backwards several times to gain distance from the fire dragon.

A short pause. The meadow around them is on fire as a result of their clash. The environment is no longer a friendly one. Scorch marks, craters, destroyed rocks, trees felled… It's much like a battlefield now.

Ognist gasps slightly in fatigue. Toma Zil notices that and uses it as a chance for him to strike back. "I will cast a curse on him…!"

Toma crosses his arms down, stretching it all the way to nearly touching the soil. Ognist remembers that stance and retaliates to charge again. He strikes his elbow tip unto the demon, but shockingly the demon jumps high into the sky, avoiding him. Upon landing, Toma Zil lands a kicking blow to the dragonian's back, causing him to crash into some distance.

Toma Zil takes a stance again. He must make it this time. From his feet, emerges a wide radius of multiple flashing blue circles. Three needle-like pointers rotate in clockwise forming three points as in triangle. The illuminating light does not make his all black persona disappear. He stared forth, with flashy red eyes, he casts.

"Demon Aspect – Accursio Malison"

Ognist stands back up and tries to relieve the pain on his back. He then notices the demon has successfully activated his skill. The magic circle on Toma's feet is still spinning. His hands are somehow lighted with specks of white aura.

"Tch, I was unable to prevent him from using it, huh?" Ognist piqued. He grabs his sword to start attack again, but before long, the demon general strikes.

"What the—*BHUGH*—urgh!"

The demon successfully hit him right to his stomach. The impact was so powerful it breaks the armor he's wearing. Ognist spits saliva as a result and the collision sends him flying straight. He uses his sword to force stop his momentum by piercing it to the ground, which caused a small fire to start.

"…His increase of power is unbearable. No… he never increases his power. It was I who was getting fatigue in this fight. I was getting weaker."

Shortly, cacophony of the ground breaking is heard. It's the demon's rush to him! Ognist quickly takes a stance and blocks the incoming attack. The demon delivers tens of blows to his sword, willing to break it apart. But Toma realizes that it was nigh impregnable.

"What kind of material being used for that sword of his?!" he piqued. Toma Zil switches aim and barrages Ognist by sliding sideways and punches him from his right side. Another successful blow hits his shoulder. And lastly, a hit aimed to his forehead, but Ognist counters it by casting a magic.


A thick wall of flame disconnects the two. Toma tries to punch through the curtain of fire, but his fist got burned and diminished to ashes when he tries to press through.

Few seconds later, the firewall dies. But Ognist was nowhere on plain sight. This aggravates the demon general further.

"He… He ran away?!" he said while endlessly gritting his teeth in utter rage. "Grrrr!!!"

"…But no matter," he calmed himself down. "Accursio Malison is already enough to injure him. I will find and chase him down and then finish him off."


Character RPG-ed Stats

Name : Xregan Ognist

Class : Dragonian

Magic : Offensive Magic

Element : Fire

Element Level : Unknown

Proficiency : Fire Sword Art

Thanks for reading :)