
Zeugen's Apology

When Marco walks along with the dragonians, he realized Scias did not follow him. Marco pauses for a moment and turns his attention to him. He stretches his arm to him, inviting him to come.

"Coming, Scias?"

Surprisingly, Scias shakes his head. "No."

"What's the matter, mate?"

After a short pause, Scias gently speaks, "I… have other places to go. You go on ahead."

"I see. Well, then, I will go on myself. Take care, mate," said Marco while gesturing his thumb to the infirmary house. When Marco about to part ways, he fumbled a bit as he remembered something crucial to tell. He turned his attention back to Scias before finally leaving him.

"Oh! Don't start wandering anywhere without me, a'ight?"

Scias nods slightly.



Inside the infirmary house, accompanied by the dragonians, Marco visits the steam dragon. In the corridor, Marco comments about something.

"These guys sure respected you guys, huh?" he stated while noticing one by one the people in the infirmary house welcomed the dragonians with such politeness.

"As expected of a great race," Marco added.

"There's nothing to do with race, human," Taizun replied. "Yugos Village was a part of Sacranopolis region and a vital place for… well, mostly everyone. It's not the race that made us treated this way, but it was our symbol of Sacranopolis."

"Indeed!" Ognist suddenly jumps in. "Sacranopolis Empire had done a good deed in preserving an ancient site."

"Ancient site?" Marco wondered.

"Don't you know? Yugos Village is known to house one of the four ancient sites in our previous world. Though… nobody knows where this 'ancient site' really is. Finding the village was nigh impossible before and only certain officials like the emperor and some high-ranking officers that could visit this place through teleportation. We were lucky to visit this place twice, haha."

"So is that the reason why the demon general attacked this place?" Marco asked.

Ognist answers in an unsure voice, "Possibly, yes… But hearing Toma Zil's reason… it was disturbing. He was after something else, but he also wanted to have everyone to be his 'test subjects'."

"Good thing you killed him, right?" said Marco positively.

"Urgh… I don't really think killing him would be a fine idea, however. Based on our exploration for a year in this merged world, there are five demon generals that ruled the world of Tellus. They're really like those of the demon lords from our world—which had gone extinct for centuries—and they have significant influence over a region. Not only that, these demon generals can sense if their fellow familiars were killed and would likely start a war against those who killed them."

"What the heck is that explanation? So scary!" Marco rapidly retorted. "Doesn't that actually mean we're still in danger?"

"Who knows?" Ognist shrugged. "Based on how Toma Zil talked about his counterparts, it appears he wasn't liked at all. Dantalion… it felt like he was intentionally trying to remove Toma Zil from power. But, that was just my theory. The truth… nobody knows for sure."

"It is best for us to stay alerted at all times. Besides, in this world, we are literal strangers. Two worlds did not merge on 50:50 percentages, but instead, it was 10:90 and we're the ten percent."

"Ouch… that's rough. And here I thought Aredanians were unaffected at all, since the whole island is still as it is. Geez, talking about Areda, I wonder how's everyone doing back home."

Unfelt by them, they've reached the room where Zeugen was resting. They nearly missed the room, though.

"Here we are. That bozo might still be sleeping," Taizun grunted. Ognist proceeds to knock the door.

*knock* *knock*

"Zeugen, you still alive, brother?" Ognist funnily asked while piping his ear against the door.

From the room, the familiar voice of an eccentric yet merry-going dragonian emerges from the crevices beneath the door.

"Aye! I am shtill alive, Herr Ognist! Please, come'eth in!"

Taizun purposefully pushed the door open while Ognist still piping his ear, causing him to fall onto the floor. "Hoiyaaa!" he reflexively voiced out as he fell.

"Darn it, Taizun, you did that on purpose, didn't you?!" Ognist nagged while quickly getting back up.

"Sorry, I forgot you're on the door, barbecue head," Taizun replied flatly. As he sees Ognist still getting up, he has an idea of some sort.

"Oh, right… maybe I should reconsider calling you 'barbecue head' to 'floor head'. Wait a second… no, I guess barbecue head still fits perfectly for you."

"Ah, shut up! Help me get up!"

"Hmph, what a weak old dragon you are."

Eventually, Taizun and Marco helped him get back up.

"Ayayayy! Zee never change, Herr Taizun, cold and sadistic!" Zeugen grinned.

"If you can speak that way, then I suppose you're already in full health, huh?" Taizun retorted.

"Ergh! Nonono! I am not! Look at zees bandages wrapping around me!" Zeugen showed the bandaged parts of his body.

Shortly, he realized Marco was also with his colleagues, thus he greets him in a friendly manner. "Oho! Herr Marco, ja? It ist good to see zee!" Zeugen greeted spiritedly.

"Y-Yeah, good to see you too," Marco replied.

For over an hour, they talked freely about anything. Discussing daily activities, telling jokes, talking about literatures, cultures, technologies, and so the list goes on. Marco mostly became a listener rather than a speaker in their conversation. Being the only human inside the room filled with dragonians made him feel uncomfortable, but as he listened through every topic being discussed, Marco's perspective shifted a bit upon the dragon race.

"Listening to those words coming from their mouths… their interactions… they are so human-like! In fact, it is as if no different among us. It is as if I'm hearing fellow humans talking to each other. The intense feeling when I'm near them is no longer felt by me. Their friendship is… so warm. They… Dragonians… are actually kind."

Shortly, Marco begins to jump into their conversation instead of staying silent.

"Hey, um…"

Zeugen welcomes him almost immediately, "Vat is it, mein freund?"

"If there's something you wish to say, say it. We're all ears, friend," Ognist stated kindly, already marking him like a close friend of his.

Marco does not immediately speak out. A long, long silence befalls upon them. The hum of emptiness fills the room. The dragonians patiently waited for him to talk. And finally, when Marco starts to speak, he apologizes.

"Zeugen, I truly am sorry, mate."

"Ah? Vat is it, all of sudden?" Zeugen wondered in a soft tone.

"...For what I've done to you that time. That time, in that forest," said Marco.

Zeugen wonders for several seconds before finally realizing he was talking about their clash at Spectral Forest.

"Ah… zat, huh?" Zeugen said while scratching his head.

"Why zee kept on thinking of it? I hath forgiven zee and forget those terrifying moments for long. Zee dost not need to apologize. It was I who was supposed to apologize."

"Eh? What do you mean? I-I nearly jolted you to death, you know?" Marco replied almost immediately. He did not expect such reply from the dragonian.

"Ja, I know. But here I am still alive, ja?" Zeugen widely grinned while pointing to himself.

"E'en now after faced witt a demon, I got mine life on ze line. But, here I am, alive!" he added with a boasting voice.

Marco stared the floor for some time. When he continues, he reminisces that time when Zeugen protects him from being attacked by Doutha, the behemoth demon.

"It surprised me that time, you hasted into defending me, preventing me from getting attacked. I have yet to say my thanks, so... thank you, man."

"At thy most welcome," Zeugen nodded.

"I did zat on a reason, too: I vill not forgive zee if zee meet death in ze hands of demon instead of mine own hands. Zee hath defeated me in ze past. Because of zat, I vowed to mine self zat I shalt defeat zee one day. But if zee died before I couldst defeat zee, then mine hope of restoring honor would all be lost. Mine adversary ist dead, and there wert no such things as resurrection magic. Zat is why I stepped in to save thy life."

Marco scratches his head a bit. "Uhuhuh… well, you can actually beat me easily in that time, you know? I'm not in a good shape, either," he stated in a joking voice.

"HAH! Fool. Vell, I am myself a fool as well... We art both fools, haha!" Zeugen giggled realizing him mocking himself.

"I mayest be a fool, but I shalt not fight mine adversary not in his full strength! The joy and honor of overcoming someone stronger than mine self ist priceless."

"But… even so, zee shouldst know zat no matter vat happened, I still attempted to kill zee in ze past as well. Zee wert not aware of mine intention, and when zee realized it, zee give'th all thy got at me. But in zat time, it was not a fair fight, where two against one! Hm-hm, truly unfair," Zeugen nodded twice.

Warm wind blows through the opened window. The curtains sway softly following the direction where the wind goes, creating a calming yet freshness in the room. Zeugen stares outside of the window and watches some birds flying highly and into the forest in the distance. Not long afterwards, he began to speak again.

"I have endangered zee and thy friends in ze past. I knowest nothing of thy intention in that forest. I also violated ze rule zat mine emperor hadst given me. Zat is why, I am ze one to apologize, not you."

"Zeugen… "

"As vat Herr Taizun said zat time as well. We dragonians are against killing humans, for ve art allies and buddies, not enemies. I hath failed to keep zat code in mind."

Zeugen bows down a little in his sickbed. Several seconds later, he delivers his voice of apology with utter sincerity.

"I apologize for everything zat hath happened to zee, Herr Marco. From ze bottom of mine hearts, I apologize."

"Yeah, I forgive you, mate. Even though you said I don't have to, but I still wish to say so. I'm sorry, too, for thinking that you guys are evildoers. I was... mistaken."

Ognist, Taizun, and Zeugen altogether widened their eyes as they heard Marco's apology. Ognist and Taizun looked at each other briefly before finally looking back at the young explorer. Zeugen's enlarged eyes slowly loosened and then, he accepts Marco's words.

"Ja. I accept thy apology as well."

Ognist nudges Taizun a bit, "Hey, Taizun… was there some important event that I missed?"

"What? Oh… have you forgotten 'bout it? When trying to prevent Dantalion's escape in Spectral Forest, Zeugen clashed with Marco and his comrades. I came just in time to prevent any of them from killing each other. That's why the mission was a fail."

"Oh, it's that one."

Zeugen spreads his hands, stretching his arm to Marco, as if inviting him.

"Herr Marco. One day, I shalt defeat zee in battle, mano-a-mano. Don't zee ever die till zat time arrive, ja? I will not forgive zee as well if thou let thyself be defeated just to make me happy."

Marco walks nearer to Zeugen, and replies with his hand grabbing the steam dragon's hand. His face appears bright as how he's used to. His eyebrows lowered, his eyes gleam spirit for what's to come next.

"Yeah! I will grow stronger than ever. I will not lose to you. When the time comes, I will accept your challenge, mate."

Zeugen gives a bright smile. "Till zat time, I shalt await."

The two shakes hand afterwards.

"Say, Herr Marco…"

"What is it?"

"I wonder how zee got here in ze first place. I believe'eth ze Istinggar clan had never set foot on zees land. Then, how zee reached here?"

Ognist and Taizun join in their conversation.

"That's right, how did you get here in the first place?"

"Did someone guide you here?"

Marco is troubled whether to answer their question or not. "W-Well… it's a really long story…"

He decided to tell how he ended up in the village with his friends. The three dragonians listened closely, trying to understand roughly everything what Marco has to offer. It took another hour for him to disclose his story. And once the explorer ends his tale, there are things that felt surprising to Ognist and the rest.

"Is that so?" Ognist replied. "You were also at Alidia that time, huh?"

"How surprising!" Zeugen added. "We wert too busy handling some troops. Zee was there, too, huh?"

"But someone sent you here through teleportation magic…?" Taizun replied seriously. "As far as I know, only some people that is truly capable of using teleportation. Who was it that sent you here, Marco?"

Marco then froze for a second. In his mind wonders, "I can't really tell him about Queaz, right? I don't think telling that it was him would make things work out in the end…"

So he decided to answer, "Someone… I fail to remember."

"...I see," Taizun sounded disappointed.

"…Memory dissolving, eh?" Ognist added.

"Oh, yeah… Herr Marco, based on thy story, zen why on earth did one of your colleagues did not make it here?"

"I'm sorry, who?"

"Ze green-haired knight who has holy powers, of course, where is he?" Zeugen wondered the whereabouts of the Naprean Vanguard that was with Marco, Sean Williams.

"…Oh, right… why did he not end up along with me and the rest…? I literally had forgotten him all this time!"