Arc 2- Chapter 3

*Starfire's Pov*

Little que and I continued our little trip after I finished sorting the things out. With the help of little que, the journey was shorter but we still spent 2 days on the road.

"How much longer till we get to Kyle?" I asked Little que when we stopped to eat.

"Not long. In fact, if we stay here, Kyle and the group will be arriving in 1 hour" Little que said, taking a seat.

"In that case, I will soon be rejoining my dear beloved brother" I said with a small smile before settling down.

"Host, do you want to plan my backstory now?" He asked moving towards me.

"I already have that planned so don't worry. Now, I just want to think about the side missions" I muttered remembering the 'simple' side missions.

"You should be grateful that there is no hidden mission for you to complete in this world, or else, you will have more things to worry about" He said arrogantly sitting down.

"No, it just means I get more points and fun~" I cooed as I started pinching his cheeks.

"Your cheeks are so soft. You are such a cutie~" I continued annoying him, laughing in my mind.

"Host, I know you are trying to irritate me. If you continue, I will change my appearance to a grown up man, I will see if you will be able to pinch my cheeks then" Little que said puffing his cheeks.

"And risk ruining the mission? You wouldn't do that" I said confidently before carrying him on my laps.

"Hey! I am not a little kid" He exclaimed embarrassed as he blushed.

"Your appearance says otherwise~" I giggled as I continued annoying him.

After some time, I paused and set him down.

"Uh! You finally came to your senses?" He asked confused.

"Didn't you notice that 1 hour has passed, Kyle will be here any second. Plus I heard some sounds outside, and not the zombie kind" I whispered before we started making our way out.

I saw the male lead's group and Kyle's vehicle not far away from them.

"Who are you?" One of the men asked after noticing me.

"I mean no harm, I am just looking for someone" I replied with a small smile.

"Who?" Another man asked

"My brother. He went missing and I am searching for him" I said adding some emotion of the previous Fiona into my voice.

"Girl, you do know he could have turned into a zombie by now. You shouldn't risk your life for something uncertain, you better go back to where you came from" The man said slightly concerned but putting it in a rude tone.

"He isn't dead. My brother is capable of killing some zombies" I stated confidently as I moved towards Kyle's direction.

"Isn't that right, brother?" I said titling my head with a small smile to Kyle.

"Fiona, what are you doing here? What if you got injured?" He asked concerned as he came out of his vehicle and scanned my body for any injury.

Like I said, Fiona and Kyle don't look like each other at all. Kyle has peach hair and red eyes, some high-level zombies have red eyes too but they always have large dark circles around their eyes.

"Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself. You should have expected me to come look for you, you should also know that I am not a weak girl" I said with a little frown

[Host, you are frowning?!]

Oh right! Little que is still at the entrance of the building but he can still see everything I see.

'Yes, don't forget I am imitating this body's character. The girl doesn't smile all the time even if she smiles a lot~'

I chuckled in my mind while still frowning on the outside.

[Ok. When will you introduce me then?]

'Soon. Calm down~'

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I was just worried. What about mom and dad?" Kyle asked concerned

"They are good but I am sure I am in big trouble with them" I laughed nervously as my eyes begged him to help me with them.

"Don't tell me you sneaked away from them. You just like being so independent sometimes it is worrying." He sighed frustrated as he grabbed my hand.

"Well, it is not my fault. I told them that I wanted to look for you and they agreed... but I might have left the group of volunteers they asked me to follow" I continued, my tone brave at first before turning nervous with his glare.

"What am I going to do about you?! You must stay in my line of sight throughout and stay away from trouble." He dictated as he faced me with an authoritative stare.

"Alright. By the way, Mom and Dad built a base, we can go back there before they get too worried" I muttered quietly

'I still have to complete some missions, so you better pray that I don't ditch you on the way. Luckily, you are my main mission, so you can be assured I won't leave... for now~'

I giggled as I planned on how to complete the side missions while keeping Kyle safe.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see the female lead, Shirley, eying me enviously. Probably because Kyle is treating me better than her, after all, he hasn't even found out about her power.

"Ok, the base should be at our estate. Now, enter the car, I can't have you standing outside in this heat."

"Wait! Before that, there is a little boy I picked up on my way" I gestured for Little que to come.

He came and stood before us, staring blankly.

"I saw him alone and about to be eaten by zombies, I couldn't just leave him to die so I helped him."

Kyle sighed before crouching down to Little que's level.

"Hey little boy, do you promise to not be too much of a burden?" He asked with a cold tone.

Little que continued staring at him blankly while I rolled my eyes secretly.

'It will help if you act cute, you know Kyle doesn't like burdens. If not for the fact that he loves his sister and doesn't want to hurt her, he would have thrown you out a long time ago'

[I know. He isn't even bothering to hide his displeasement with me. I doubt he would care if I act cute, he would like it more if I was a competent worker]

'Yeah, you are right but it won't hurt to try'

"Hi, Mister. Big sister said you will take me in, so will you?" He asked titling his head cutely.

"Big sister?" Kyle asked with his eye twitching before he faked a smile.

"Of course I will take you in" He said with a clearly forced happy tone.

[I think I took the wrong strategy...]